Unless you are having trouble with those parts or the rifle in general, I don't see why you would need to change anything. The requirements you gave are very reasonable, and while I have never owned a Savage myself, I can't see why you would not be able to meet them if you actually spend the time practicing with it. If you really just want to buy stuff, by all means go for it, but I don't think it would be nessecary.
If I were you I would spend your money on some reloading literature. And then follow it up with reloading equipment. I am still pretty new (started last x-mas), but it has been hands down the best "accuracy investment" I have made, if for no other reason than has made everything I shoot more accurate, not just one rifle. And since rounds are cheaper, I get more practice in, so it makes me more accurate too! The only thing I regret about learning to load my own is that I didn't do it sooner.