Where is Wide Open Country... for Long Range Coyote Shots???

daniel brothers

Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2010
Santee , south carolina usa
Where is Wide Open Country... for Long Range Coyote Shots???

I know there is a lot of open country out West, but I'm wondering where I can go and hunt with the ability to get consistent shots at coyote that are 400 yds and further? I don't want the scrub brush country where i need to carry a shotgun. I'm only looking for longer than normal shots. I only want to call to them in order to make them shows themselves...NOT... to cause them to run to the call... only to make them show their whiskery faces. Got any ideas?
I don't want the scrub brush country where i need to carry a shotgun. I'm only looking for longer than normal shots. I only want to call to them in order to make them shows themselves...NOT... to cause them to run to the call... only to make them show their whiskery faces.

Sounds like you just want to target shoot not hunt, I'd suggest a good local range.
brcfo_outdoors..... you can keep your paper targets... I am a hunter. If your not calling them or stalking them... then your not a hunter.

No, what you want is to control all the circumstances of your environment and the way the dogs will react. All to fit a narrow concept of a hunt where the animals appear at the perfect range, do exactly what you want them to do, and provide you with the perfect shot for your weapon of choice. That is not hunting, that is fantasizing.
Good luck finding that in the east. Even in the crop land out there they will circle you to get wind staying pretty well covered. The spot you are looking for starts to show up around western MN, IA, Kansas and west from there. On a side note that Hevi Shot Dead Coyote is pretty lethal to 80 yards. ;)
Just my experience, but coyotes around me (Eastern Wisconsin) don't like hanging out in the open a lot. If I was gunna go for a set up like your talking, I would do some road scouting to find a route they are taking from their bedding area to a feeding area that takes them through a large field. Try looking at creeks and culverts for a "highway" of yote foot traffic. Calling coyotes a long way into the open fields is rough up here. Your best bet is to ambush thier regular travel routes. Or find a farmer with a calf or pig pile and set up on that.
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