Weaver Grand Slam VS Burris signature

Jon Bischof

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2002
Paragould, AR
JustC: The Burris Signature (mine is 4-16X) is a great scope with fine resolution. Mine is also an electro-dot reticle which I like really well.
I have no experience with the (new) Weavers. I like my Burris Signature better than my Leupold Vari X III 4.5-14 because it is definitely clearer.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether the Weaver is as crisp/clear as the signature series? Any experiences with the weaver are welcomed, good and bad. What is the overall opinon of the grandslam for the $$$? Is the Burris still a better bet?

I have the same scope on my 7mm mag sendero. Once I tried a friend's, I traded my Vari-x III 4.5-14x50 and got the burris.
I have a Grand Slam 4x14 and am very happy with it. Haven't done anything rugged with it, it sits on my Encore carbine in .308. I use it for 300M silhouette pig shoots. I wanted the finger click adjustments. I put the clarity in with VX III Leupolds. Don't have a Burris.

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