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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
Townsend, Montana.
Scares the crap out of me.lightbulb

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0wmw8zw2LA]"Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin - YouTube[/ame]
Everytime I see stuff like this, my very first thought is, "man, i don't have enough ammo."
Yes, it is scary. Everything that is happening right now in the world is scary.

These are the same things that we have been talking about on here for quite some time. The scariest part is, as was pointed out, the demonization of the opposition (us) and the dismissive attitude toward the truth. We are called paranoid, and are accused of spreading fear. The truth is we should all be extremely concerned about all of this.
The General is correct. I remember the President talking about a civilian security force. Be assured, once our politicians complete their plan to fully crash the economy, many won't be able to feed themselves or their families. They'll be lining up and begging for the job of taking your guns and rights away. Same goes for the military. For 3 squares a day, they'd do just about anything. Heck, half the people in America already hate the other half. They won't need much encouragement. Know this. Our President is a puppet. Once gone from office there will be an endless procession of others to advance what he was unable to finish and a population cheering them on.

The General has stated very little that hasn't pointed out here, on other forums, in your churches and straight out of the Good Book. I do commend him for lending credibility to the obvious. By all means, pester your Congressmen but putting your faith in men doesn't have much of a track record.

One thing the General did not mention... Do not fear. God is in control.
The General is correct. I remember the President talking about a civilian security force. Be assured, once our politicians complete their plan to fully crash the economy, many won't be able to feed themselves or their families. They'll be lining up and begging for the job of taking your guns and rights away. Same goes for the military. For 3 squares a day, they'd do just about anything. Heck, half the people in America already hate the other half. They won't need much encouragement. Know this. Our President is a puppet. Once gone from office there will be an endless procession of others to advance what he was unable to finish and a population cheering them on.

The General has stated very little that hasn't pointed out here, on other forums, in your churches and straight out of the Good Book. I do commend him for lending credibility to the obvious. By all means, pester your Congressmen but putting your faith in men doesn't have much of a track record.

One thing the General did not mention... Do not fear. God is in control.

"God is in control." Maybe just maybe he is trying to get some folks attention ? After all we have taken him out of our schools and look at what is happening (shootings) We are allowing all kinds of Sin in our country Abortion,Sodomy he is a just God, he is full of compassion,he is mercyful And he is a God of judgment ! It is my personal opinion that the reason we have a president like Obama is because that is how far away from God our great America has turned . But as you have already said "God is in control" I sing a song at church that goes like this .

He's in control of all the storm around you that's raging,
He's in control of your life no matter what your facing,
Even in your darkest night when there seems to be no light.
He's always with you he'll never fail you . He's in control !

Hope I havent strayed too far off Jeff .
Aint it good that we all can see the challenges that are ahead of us concerning our .That should encourage us in a day when it seems like so many just look over these important issues.

Hang in there friendsgun)

Good statement about God. I have had trouble putting faith in Him because I am so worked up, but that is a good point!
I pray that everyone will see and hear this man, for he speaks the truth very well that we in our hearts have known and seen coming for a long time. I admit, I am over whelmed by how fast they have been able to do their dirty work. But I am encourage by the fight being put up to stop the senseless laws they have, and are trying to pass.

We are going to have a fight on our hands to not only keep our guns but the American way of life as we have known it. It is being eroded away by a very corrupt government, and a very corrupt news media. All this has become more and more apparent to all of us not long after he was elected the first time.

He said the day after he was elected that he wanted the world arms trade deal "DONE" in 2013. The school shooting has given him the greatest tool he could have to get the ball rolling to take our guns and with the media hype it has been like a wild fire.. But some where in Washington, they are working full tilt on the means to sign the world arms trade agreement this summer.
This is JMO but one of the biggest hurdles we face is the news media, if you can't get the truth out there, there is very little you, me, we as individuals can do to stop what is happening. The ones being spoon feed this crap are the same ones that feel they are owed every thing, with out working for anything, it's gimme,gimme, I'm entitled. Then you have the news media espousing that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicade are the greatest entitlements driving up the national debt. I paid into social security for the last 45 years how in the hell is it an entitlement when it is paid for by Working Americans.

There's a storm coming, I for one will fight for what I beleive in, It won't be the first time, but it will probably be the last. There is a lot more at stake than just are guns.
There's a storm coming, I for one will fight for what I beleive in, It won't be the first time, but it will probably be the last. There is a lot more at stake than just are guns.

I think that's the deal. Because we have now accepted the fact that our Nations representative leaders will no longer observe and respect the most basic laws and rights of our country and it's people or claim the right to choose to enforce only the laws which advance their agenda, we have now turned to our local Sheriffs to hold them at bay. That's all well and good but this is evidence that we are now pulling back and circling the wagons.

As far as I'm concerned, it isn't a question of "Could the General be right?". He's just pointing his finger in the air and reaffirming that "that way's up" to all those who can't believe their own eyes. We are well out of the stage of "this is gonna happen" and are currently in the stage of "this is happening" and are speeding to "I can't believe that happened".

rick523 has it right. There's a storm a com'in.
Yes, God is ultimately in control, but the choice was made back in the Garden of Eden to rebel against a loving God who had made a paradise for us to live in with Him and have a special relationship with Him. This rebellion against Almighty God is called sin.

Picture a perfectly clear bowl of the most pure mountain spring water representing God's perfect creation before Adam and Eve rebelled. One drop of black food coloring, representing sin/rebellion against God, (God had to give us a choice, so to speak, of loving Him or rebelling against Him, otherwise no true relationship of choice would exist) dropped into that bowl, spread to and distorts and corrupts the entire bowl of perfect water. And, once that is present in the bowl of water, it cannot be removed and everything else produced in the bowl of water (creation since ) is distorted and corrupted by other sins as well. Sin is an infinite offense against and infinitely Holy God and must be judge for what it is--high treason against the One True God. And so it was. God allowed Adam and Eve and the rest of us since, to reap the consequences of our rebellion, a partial removal of His sustaining power from His creation, and now we live in a world that is a far cry from the perfect world we were designed to live in. Since that sin, we all die physically and we are dead spiritually from conception. We were designed to live in a world where there had been no sin and consequently, no death, no pain, sorrow, etc. We have a huge sin problem, individually and corporately. How to deal with this and it's horrible, final, just consequences?

God, in His infinite love and mercy (remember, he created us to have a special relationship with Him) for us sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, as the only infinitely perfect sacrifice that could truly take away the sins of the world. The Bible clearly states that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to a saving knowledge of Him. The bible also clearly states that no one is without excuse in regards to coming to a knowledge of Him: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. ['suppress the truth'--sound familiar?] For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." (Romans 1:18-20) I think those us that regularly enjoy what's left of his creation, have perhaps less excuse than those who regularly do not.

In spite of our continual rebellion against Him, God sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away, once for all, the sins of all time so that He could look upon us as pure and sinless in His eyes. Those who openly, truly receive Him as their Savior and ask for the gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sin from Him and follow Him all of their remaining days on this earth will be saved from the ultimate spiritual death they deserve.

This is not the creation God originally intended for us.

The Bible clearly states in Leviticus that 'life is in the blood'. A life for a life. That is how serious sin is to our Creator. A perfect sacrifice had to die for us so that Almighty God could put His just wrath for all sin for all time upon that perfect sacrifice, Christ. Once his wrath was satisfied by putting it on Christ on the cross, we could come to Almighty God and have our sins forgiven once and for all and only for the asking and have a relationship with Him only for the asking. What a gift! A gift freely given us and paid in full by Christ's shed blood on the cross for our sins. Christ's blood shed on the cross and his physical life freely given for us there was given as a substitute death for us--a substitute death for what we otherwise justly deserve for our high treason against God.

Christ's resurrection on the third day clearly demonstrated his power over death, the 'last enemy'. Now, those that trust in Christ will still suffer the consequences of sin on this earth and physically die, but we have been 'reborn' spiritually (remember, we were 'dead in our sins'--spiritually dead from the moment of conception as a result of sin in creation). Because of this spiritual rebirth, we are once again God's children who, at their physical death, will shed this fallen/sinful body and be presented as pure and sinless to God so that we can once again have that perfect relationship with Him that we were originally intended to have and that Adam and Even had for short while in a perfect creation.

The bible clearly states that God, at some point, will destroy this sin-stained creation, and remake it new. I'm planning on being here for that.

The Bible does not tell us everything we would like to know, but it is sufficient in it's content to show us the way that we should go. There are things in the bible that are difficult to understand and we should expect that, but it's message is perfectly consistent throughout even though it is written over a period of thousands of years by over 40 different authors. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16). God 'breathed out' all scripture. It is not just written by men.

We are dealing in the Bible with the infinite mind of God. Does a dog understand quantum mechanics? Neither will finite man understand the infinite mind of God. We should expect that there will be things we won't understand.

This is the true story of history--make sure and accept God's perfect gift of salvation that you can do NOTHING to earn, and live with Him.

Days could be spent talking about the differences between observational and historical science and how we are sold a bill of goods in our culture that un-discerningly mixes the two to produce a toxic sludge of foundational belief based in the idea that we 'evolved'. I've spent years studying this from a scientific and biblical background and have a degree in biology and so some understanding. It is pure hogwash. There is no true observable science that backs up the idea of evolution as a means of producing life. Micro-evolution/speciation, adaptation are very biblical concepts and in actuality genetically produce the opposite of what is needed for macro-evolution (molecules to man ideas) to occur. The bible talks about 'kinds' of animals, not 'species'--very different.

Big Bang cosmology--what a joke. It's sold as a story to the masses, and yet there are insurmountable issues with it. The secular Ph.D.'s argue about it back and forth and many realize that it is completely bankrupt. It is a story that is based in the foundational idea that no God exists. That's ulitimately why the Big Bang cosmology and the theory of evolution exist--ways to try and explain how we got here without God. Turns out that doesn't work very well.

If we put every person that every lived in one location and summed up all they knew, we would still know nothing compared to the infinite knowledge of Creator God.

Don't put your faith in man's guesses. Put your faith in your loving, merciful, truly just Creator.
The General is correct. I remember the President talking about a civilian security force. Be assured, once our politicians complete their plan to fully crash the economy, many won't be able to feed themselves or their families. They'll be lining up and begging for the job of taking your guns and rights away. Same goes for the military. For 3 squares a day, they'd do just about anything. Heck, half the people in America already hate the other half. They won't need much encouragement. Know this. Our President is a puppet. Once gone from office there will be an endless procession of others to advance what he was unable to finish and a population cheering them on.

The General has stated very little that hasn't pointed out here, on other forums, in your churches and straight out of the Good Book. I do commend him for lending credibility to the obvious. By all means, pester your Congressmen but putting your faith in men doesn't have much of a track record.

One thing the General did not mention... Do not fear. God is in control.

Don't start trash talkin the military, they are still dying in Afghanistan, ROGER THAT!
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