VLD seating stem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Alberta ,Canada
Here's my Question , I have Redding 6.5 prc deluxe set. These long skinny bullets are seating on the tip and not the ogive so can I not just go to the local gun smith and on the lathe run a 1/8 drill bit or so maybe a little bigger up the center of the seater so that the tips won't touch and I will be seating on the ogive ?
Call Redding and they will recommend a VLD stem for your caliber. This what I use.
Replacement Bullet Seating Micrometer #09167 VLD for 6.5 cal. They also work for 7mm VLD bullets.
I tried having my gunsmith drill out the stem for my 7mm seating stem for my 7 ultra. Did not work for the 180 VLDH bullets. 30 cal Replacement Bullet Seating Micrometer is #09180. These Replacement Bullet Seating Micrometers are for the Redding Deluxe set dies.
It's beyond understanding why ALL seating die makers fail to adjust stem depth for this potential.....
Yeah, you can drill it by hand
Have done a bunch of them with hand drill and never seen any effects on run out after. Only takes a min or two with good drill bit. I usually chuck up a empty bullet when done and throw a little flitz on it and polish up edges of seating stem also where it meets ogive.
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