Veterans alabama hunt


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2003
Was lucky enough to get drawn for a free hunt on leased timber land in Alabama...Put on for active and retired military vets.Dec.10-15.... weather..35*F p.m... 50*F daytime.... too warm..deer weren`t moving during daylite...just starting to rut.... then warm spell.. had some nice bucks on camera around midnite.
For those who haven't hunted Al..... lotsa deer...liberal WOLVES...some`s worth the trip.
I shot an adult doe the second day.......took it to processor..... he cut ,wrapped and ground it up.... when I picked up meat...frozen solid for trip home.... With wallet out ..I went to pay.... he said
"No Charge...Thank You for serving"......
I`m sending him a gift card to take his wife out for a good evening meal.
That sounds awesome! I think it's great when people help vets like that. I also like to hear stories like the one at the processor.

Is there a link for this?

The reason I ask, is my brother RJ is a Vet (167 4th Alabama, 11B) and loves deer hunting, but after he got back from Afghanistan in May 2013, he had to get married and now they have a kid. So all he does is work and go home, so he doesn't get to get out much these days, or come visit us much down here in central AL (I always give him a hard time about that. :D ). He used to do alot of charity work (Miracle Rodeo and stuff) before he joined the Army. He also lives in Northwest AL (Tuscaloosa). I'm sure he'd love to sign up to possibly win a chance to go.

Oh, and you nailed it on the head... Deer hunting here in Alabama can be finicky. If it's warm, they're most likely not moving during the day. If the wind is blowing the wrong direction, if the sun didn't come up at the exact same minute at the exact same temperature, etc... :D:D:D But the landscape down here is incredible, especially up in N. AL where the Appalachains stop.
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