They are been discontinued, so if you want what is being called the best for price range I would get one. PRG is not taking orders for them after 12/31.Refer to thread at Hide for specifics, but Terrapin no more, which was a easy sell for them
I called prg today and they said they were out of stock but will be able to put orders in for two more months. She said she couldn't put in an order until after jan 2 because it seemed like all of Sweden was closed.
For specifics go to Sniper hide.PRG today is last day to order the 10 &15 , Jan 31 will be last for Terrapin according to Alina ,they are not happy about it.Few places have some in stock for a bit...
I saw this thread yesterday and tried calling Snowy Mountain Rifles and they were out of stock. Then tried placing and order with optics authority which showed they were available. They sold out literally minutes, maybe seconds before I clicked the purchase button. Then called Potomac Group which had some in stock and it should be on the way!