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Upgrading from Leupold Kenai Spotting Scope


Active Member
Jul 15, 2014
I have the older Leupold Kenai and I would like to upgrade to a nicer piece of glass. I've been somewhat disappointed in it for the last few years. Compared to my Ed3 binocs, and other scopes I've peeked through randomly, my Spotting Scope feels way darker and hard to sit behind. What are the best options from $1k-$1500, with mil discount?
The next step up would be the Leupold HD GR or if you want a retical then the Leupold Mk 4, As we age there comes a cut of point where our eyes just can't see any better regardless of the optics.
Kinda put off by all the leupold items I've owned in my life. I really would prefer not to have anything Leopold anymore. Their brand had been tuned for me.

I'd really like to find a great piece of glass for a descent price. Some I've seen are the nikon 82ed or the meopta s2. Those seem to be in a category above my price range... That's why I'm asking here.
What dont i like about Leupolds offerings? They are overpriced and lower quality than comparable offerings. Take the Kenai for instance, I bought it as a kit. The tripod on it is good looking but built like crap. it wobbles all over and CANNOT hold the scope still. The spotting scope is OK, but I would like something that is comparable to my binocular. It sucks when you are glassing in your binocs at early morning and you look through the scope and cant see what you are trying to find. Take all of these reasons and look at the price of the scope and you can apply this across the whole leupold line. Overpriced and under performing.
I have owned a couple of pairs of Leupold bino's and the GR HD kit and the quality is right up there, their lesser models might be left wanting though,

you have plenty of choices to choose from, I think the high end vortex is a Swaro clone, mega bucks but top quality none the less and of coarse then there is Swaro it's self. needs no introduction.
Used swaro is the only way to roll. I run a STS 80 with 20-60 and I'll take it to the grave with me with how great swaro customer service is. Bought it used and near mint and sent it to swaro and they cleaned the whole thing to the point it looked brand new and it was all free! Most guys are jumping to the HD swaro and truthfully I'm sure there is a difference but I can't tell and the standard swaro still puts 95% of other brands to shame
Another swaro guy. Spend the extra $ and buy a used one. Either hd or non. I can't tell the difference and I have both. Hold their value, incredible warranty, and perform excellent in the field.
A non-hd should be found in 65mm for around $1,300 and 80mm around 1,600.

Jump to HD and your looking at $2k + most likely.
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