Tuff luck Wyoming tags


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001
Casper Wy
Well the draw was posted @ 10 am and we didn't draw goat/deer or bull tags this year.....We did however draw a cow elk tag and will pick up a few leftover tags.
How was your Wyoming luck?
Nobody in my family drew bull tags, our party got our second choice Antelope and I am the only one that drew a deer tag I got my first choice on that. and an august cow elk tag. So looks like I will be doing general again for elk... maybe ill just get 3 cow tags I am not sure.
We only drew landowner antelope. Didn't get my whitetail tag, doe fawn mule deer tag or elk tag. I have never had a worse year with drawing. I did see that about 200 more people put in for area 6 elk.
No elk tags for me and the wife either...

We did finally draw for antelope after a couple years of "drought"...

It's the wife's first chance at a big game animal so hope it all goes good, we'll be over in 100 this year.
Got lucky and drew a coveted late season any elk tag. Last time I drew the tag, I never pulled the trigger and passed on over 25 bulls looking for the ONE, then my wife called and told me that her grandmother had passed away and could I come home with four days left in the season. So I did. Maybe this will be the year! Last time I passed on a 340+ bull at 800 yards, for two reasons, 1 I was at the limit of my leica 800 and the readings weren't consistant and 2, I forgot my drop chart and didn't have it memorized to that range. This year I am ready! Also got two doe/fawn antelope for practice and a cow/calf late elk. I hunt general deer.
Wyoming has always been my problem. In 13 years of doing applications in Wy, ID, MT and NV I have never drawn **** in Wy until this year. I drew 2 cow tags. They are in areas I wanted to hunt a bull so it's going to be a chance to learn the country.

When Wy clamps down on nonresidents in the next few years, I imagine I will look back at 2014 as the good old days.
Dad and I scored bull tags. My 12 year old scored a cow tag. We were shut out last year so I know the pain that goes along with the word unsuccessful. Now the only question that needs to be answered is...300 rum, 338 rum, or 375 rum.
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