Tucker will make Liberal heads explode tomorrow !!

Lots of misstatements on the market…

Here are the returns for VFIAX, Vanguard's S&P index fund.

A few items to note on some things that have been posted:
  • I'm not arguing politics, inflation, etc with this info. Those are separate (but very important) discussions - this is in response to the 'I've lost money in my 401k' discussion.
  • The market didn't perform poorly in early 2021. It tanked in early 2020, which was under a different administration. See the quarterly return picture.
  • If anyone has lost money since Trump or Biden took over, it is due to lack of diversification and risk management or poor investment choices and not due to the broad market performance.
  • Target date funds are, IMO, overly conservative and leave lots of returns on the table in the name of conservatism and risk avoidance, at least compared to an S&P index fund. If someone is young that will add up over time (and they can take on more risk while young, also). If someone were to invest $12k/yr ($1k/mo) in a retirement plan for 30 years at 7%, and another did the same and got 8%, the latter person would have $270k more than the 7% person. When you get within 10ish years of retirement, re-evaluate investment choices to lower risk and gain stability if desired.
  • If you have been making regular contributions to your 401k then it is even harder to imagine losing money under either administration. With the market dips and being at an all time high (the S&P, not the Nasdaq), virtually all contributions should have generated a positive return.
  • The Dow is irrelevant when discussing market returns - it is a collection of 30 stocks, whereas the S&P is obviously 500 and the Nasdaq is 100 stocks.


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If you happen to work for a place that doesn't let you manage your investment then you have no choice.
You come off in every post like you are some wizard that knows all and if someone doesn't do, feel or think like you then they are stupid or lacking.
The side of my investments that were controlled by GOVT run retirement all lost for the past 3 years until these last few months, on the private side I have been able to manage my own and have been able to keep that side going.
You make it sound like you are calling people stupid for not being as fortunate as you or seeing things the way you do. You are coming off as a pompous ***
I am only trying to convey one thing. I don't like Biden at all, but He did not tank the stock market. Nobody lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in their 401k because of Biden. All of the indices continue to go up. Not quite up as much as they did under trump though. Apologies if my sarcasm on 1 post was missed. My point was I'm NOT a genius in the stock market at all. I just kept my 401k in the same index fund it was in when trump was in office and it continues to give a good return. And anyone can look at unbiased charts that are very easy to read and see that.
3/10/22 'Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has signed a law allowing the country's civilians, foreign citizens and stateless persons to use small arms as part of its 'national resistance' to Russia' 'The law stipulates that civilians will have to hand over the weapons and unused ammunition to the country's national police ten days after lifting of martial law.'
Hence the frantic struggle at the beginning of the war to arm citizens. The biggest joke was the photo of Miss Ukraine with a so-called 'assault rifle', widely circulated by the media. Due to strict gun control as above, she actually had to pose with an airsoft rifle (toy gun) and none of the moron journalists ever figured it out.

On top of this,👆 which American banks and people were actually financing Hitler??
Fair statement. But in hindsight it was a very costly choice for the US and the rest of the world especially in term of lives lost. And the axis could have actually won, did not turn out to be an easy victory for the allies.
I read rogans name some 8-10 pages back. I would just like to point out what a hypocritical Dild* he is. That's with a capital D. He's no different than all the other money, power, fame, status grubbing lefties there is nowadays. There's a pile of them and he's one of them. Somehow we are supposed to accept him now cuz he brings us entertainment and runs with Haines and Dudley and "meat-eaters"....
I read rogans name some 8-10 pages back. I would just like to point out what a hypocritical Dild* he is. That's with a capital D. He's no different than all the other money, power, fame, status grubbing lefties there is nowadays. There's a pile of them and he's one of them. Somehow we are supposed to accept him now cuz he brings us entertainment and runs with Haines and Dudley and "meat-eaters"....
100% agree. I don't know exactly when he started passing himself off as some kind of pseudo intellectual but that dude has always been dumb as a box of rocks. He figured out how to exploit a certain crowd and make lots of money though.
Lots of misstatements on the market…

Here are the returns for VFIAX, Vanguard's S&P index fund.

A few items to note on some things that have been posted:
  • I'm not arguing politics, inflation, etc with this info. Those are separate (but very important) discussions - this is in response to the 'I've lost money in my 401k' discussion.
  • The market didn't perform poorly in early 2021. It tanked in early 2020, which was under a different administration. See the quarterly return picture.
  • If anyone has lost money since Trump or Biden took over, it is due to lack of diversification and risk management or poor investment choices and not due to the broad market performance.
  • Target date funds are, IMO, overly conservative and leave lots of returns on the table in the name of conservatism and risk avoidance, at least compared to an S&P index fund. If someone is young that will add up over time (and they can take on more risk while young, also). If someone were to invest $12k/yr ($1k/mo) in a retirement plan for 30 years at 7%, and another did the same and got 8%, the latter person would have $270k more than the 7% person. When you get within 10ish years of retirement, re-evaluate investment choices to lower risk and gain stability if desired.
  • If you have been making regular contributions to your 401k then it is even harder to imagine losing money under either administration. With the market dips and being at an all time high (the S&P, not the Nasdaq), virtually all contributions should have generated a positive return.
  • The Dow is irrelevant when discussing market returns - it is a collection of 30 stocks, whereas the S&P is obviously 500 and the Nasdaq is 100 stocks.
How can you not talk inflation when talking investment value? The value of a dollars spending value ties directly to the value of your portfolio.

You can pick any index you want to prove your point. All three are indicators. To be fair this is after 3 years of Biden and 4 years of Trump. For him to overcome the below deficits with 17% inflation with a year of inflation to add. And Trumps 4 year inflation rate of 8% I believe it is clear where this will end.

Biden +34%
Trump +70%

Biden +19%
Trump +142%
How can you not talk inflation when talking investment value? The value of a dollars spending value ties directly to the value of your portfolio.

You can pick any index you want to prove your point. All three are indicators. To be fair this is after 3 years of Biden and 4 years of Trump. For him to overcome the below deficits with 17% inflation with a year of inflation to add. And Trumps 4 year inflation rate of 8% I believe it is clear where this will end.

Biden +34%
Trump +70%

Biden +19%
Trump +142%

Because the original statement that started this discussion was about losing value in someone's 401k, and that started a discussion about that specific statement. Of course it is relevant to overall returns - after all, nominal returns mean very little and it's real returns that investors care about.

I'm not defending Biden or saying that market returns under Trump weren't significantly better. I'm saying that people are coming up with these "facts" on their own and it undermines the whole discussion. The following statement is in no way factual. "Its pretty common knowledge most people have lost a significant amount in there 401 under biden". As I said in my post, my post was made towards that discussion.
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3/10/22 'Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has signed a law allowing the country's civilians, foreign citizens and stateless persons to use small arms as part of its 'national resistance' to Russia' 'The law stipulates that civilians will have to hand over the weapons and unused ammunition to the country's national police ten days after lifting of martial law.'
Hence the frantic struggle at the beginning of the war to arm citizens. The biggest joke was the photo of Miss Ukraine with a so-called 'assault rifle', widely circulated by the media. Due to strict gun control as above, she actually had to pose with an airsoft rifle (toy gun) and none of the moron journalists ever figured it out.

View attachment 542805
How dare you miss label her pellet gun as a toy. Toy guns are guns too. Just ask them.

What's even more ridiculous is how the left thinks we need to disarm our own citizens. Guns are bad and only the government needs them. Because nobody, especially civilians, have any logical use for firearms. BUT, we will fully stand by and support using hard earned taxpayers money to buy guns to send over to another country to arms CITIZENS to protect themselves and their way of life. Very Joe Rogan'ish of the left.
How can you not talk inflation when talking investment value? The value of a dollars spending value ties directly to the value of your portfolio.

You can pick any index you want to prove your point. All three are indicators. To be fair this is after 3 years of Biden and 4 years of Trump. For him to overcome the below deficits with 17% inflation with a year of inflation to add. And Trumps 4 year inflation rate of 8% I believe it is clear where this will end.

Biden +34%
Trump +70%

Biden +19%
Trump +142%
Your numbers are sound, but the Oregonian and I were responding specifically to the statement of the guy losing $150k in his 401k. He was not talking about inflation. He was talking like he had $500k on his statement when trump was in office, and if he looks at his statement today it would say $350k. It very well may, but that would be very different than the performance of the stock market in general since Biden has took office. While still net positive under Biden,there's no question that especially factoring in inflation, the market did better under trump. Nobody is disputing that. But nobody that has any kind of diverse portfolio has lost that much of their 401k in the last 3 years. It's not "common knowledge that most people" have had that happen. Quite the opposite.
Because the original statement that started this discussion was about losing value in someone's 401k, and that started a discussion about that specific statement. Of course it is relevant to overall returns - after all, nominal returns mean very little and it's real returns that investors care about.

I'm not defending Biden or saying that market returns under Trump weren't significantly better. I'm saying that people are coming up with these "facts" on their own and it undermines the whole discussion. The following statement is in no way factual. "Its pretty common knowledge most people have lost a significant amount in there 401 under biden". As I said in my post, my post was made towards that discussion.
Actually thats not where it started. It started with someone saying their 401k was going through the roof and that gas prices were down (up 33% under Biden and more if you take the average over the last 3 years).
Bill gated and warren buffet have always been enemies of this country. Canada i dont think is a threat too us. China could be if we allowed them too. They know only way is from within which is what they are doing.
Oh for sure, as a Canadian, the thought of the USA regarding us as a threat is hilarious but that's about it.

Perhaps no two countries have mutually benefitted from being neighbours with each other as have Canada and the United States, economically, culturally, militarily (that's the biggest single international border on earth, imagine if it were a tense or violent one or even one like what you deal with on your south side, what a pain in the neck that would be)

I actually had to do a paper on this a while ago, specifically on "the Americanization of Canada in the 1920s and onward". We weren't always so friendly with each other. But honestly, America coming out of World War One having fought on the same side as both Canada and Great Britain really did a lot to ease any anxieties about being next door to the industrial/milatary/population superpower to the south. I cited a report from the US Naval Institute written in the mid 50s that, from an American perspective, viewed history as testifying to the reality that while our nations may have had 101 petty grievances with each other over the years, at the end of the day we have common interests and it's mutually beneficial to us both when either prospers and hurts us both when disaster strikes.

And I'm afraid it's the case that our liberal leader up here and yours down there seem at this point to be a disaster indeed. What Canada has going for it is valuable natural resources, and a 💩 load of them. Our prime minister is strangling our own economy and discouraging the development of these natural resource sectors in a case of climate hysteria, never mind that the population of Canada is less than 1 percent of the global energy demand….boy are we saving the earth with this nonsense! 🤣. And Biden axed the keystone xl pipeline project his very first day in office, a project that both Alberta and some states had invested billions into, a project far cleaner and safer than ocean tankers of crude oil, about as politically neutral as an international resource trade could be..,,

But sure let's keep both our countries more dependent on foreign overseas oil while it's literally under our own feet, I'm sure Saudi Arabia is very green, very enviro friendly, and a very "progressive approved" nation haha. Ugh.

Neither of these buffoons are good for either of our countries.

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