The New Swarovski EL SWAROVISION


Official LRH Sponsor
Dec 3, 2007
Old Bethpage NY
The New Swarovski EL SWAROVISION
• SWAROVISION is the integration of 3 key features into one:
− Field Flattener Lenses: Allows for a razor sharp focus of an image to the extreme edges of the field of view. A completely distortion free view! Field Flattener Lenses are part of SWAROVSKI OPTIK’S SWAROVISION technology. These lenses eliminate all loss of sharpness and distortion at the edges of the binoculars field of view. Everything in the EL SWAROVISION binocular’s field of view will be razor sharp with no distortion to the extreme edges of the field of view.
− HD glass: Fluoride containing HD glass allows for the truest possible color to reach the eye. This feature enhances contrast and resolution as well as virtually eliminating color fringing.
− Long Eye Relief: The eye relief of the EL SWAROVISION is now 20 mm. This allows for eyeglass wearers to easily see the full field of view. The eyecups now have 3 position settings for maximum comfort for the user.
• SWAROTOP anti-reflective coatings, SWARODUR scratch resistant coatings, SWAROBRIGHT mirror prism coating, have all been enhanced to improve brightness and color reproduction, especially at dusk.
• SWAROCLEAN coatings are applied in a special process and affect the surface energy of the external objectives and ocular lenses so dirt, water marks, tree resin, etc. can be removed effortlessly.
• Wider Field of View on EL SWAROVISION:
− EL SWAROVISION 8.5x42: 399 ft @ 1000 yards
− EL SWAROVISION 10x42 EL: 336 ft @ 1000 yards
• The close focus to 4.9 feet
• Redesigned, smooth and tolerance free focus mechanism – 1 turn to go from infinity to 10 ft. Another full turn to go from 10 ft. to 4.9 ft. This new focusing mechanism allows a correction of vision of at least 6 diopters, in order to compensate for near or far sightedness.
• New larger ocular lenses improves resolution
• Improved objective cover design
• Rubber armoring on the inside portion of each barrel to enhance grip
• Rugged Magnesium Housing
These will be available after the first of the year.
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