Texas Nilgai ranch


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2018
I am hooked! I saw a few hunts on you tube and a few people talking on here about Nilgai and now I must have one. Does anyone have a ranch or outfitter they used for Nilgai they would recommend? I don't really care what part of Texas, I would likely try to add aoudad so a ranch that had aoudad would be preferred. Thanks in advance for your input, I have no connects in Texas so this forum is my best bet.
not likely to find aoudad and nilgai on the same ranch un less it is a high fenced canned hunt and still not likely
Good to know, I am more interested in Nilgai than aoudad so I am not stressed on the auodad.
Check out the Yturria Ranch next to the king I think
$2900 for Blue bull. Or Greg Simmons of Wildlife
Systems both are on the web.
How many days is that? The King Ranch charges 2100 just for a one day hunt :oops: but hey lunch is provided...
You'll kill one in one day...it's not a tented safari, more like an assembly line hunting operation. Drive out, spot some blue beasts, sneak a little and shoot one...meat hunt, but still fun.

Auodad hunting it some parts of Texas is pretty close to sheep hunting...
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