Southern California Update


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
Oxnard, CA
First: Thank God if you are a shooter AND don't live in California!
Second: Primers (if you can even find them) are selling in gun stores for $100 per 1000. OK, maybe 10 cents per primer isn't a lot in the sceime of things but 6 months ago they were 35 cents each and available.
Thirdly: SoCal stores in my area have no (NO) handgun ammunition for sale. One, that I know of, does but you have to buy a gun of that caliber in order to buy some.
Finally: Powder and projectiles don't seem to be a problem.
Welcome to SoCal. Or not.
Oh yes, used firearms, hand guns and rifles are selling at a 100% and up premium.
Headed to a local gun store (San Diego) to register my new custom I just had shipped here. They're usually a honey hole for reloading gear. I picked up a 1000 pack of fed 210Ms the last time I was in there for around 40 or so. I'll ask if they have anymore in stock.
Yeah, I'm staring at 10 bricks of small pistol, 8 or so of large pistol, large rifle, small rifle. So looks like they have all. If San Diego is within driving distance shoot me a PM and I'll tell you the store.
It's really a shame what happened down there. It used to be a firearms/ sportsman's mecca. Fowlers Outdoors was a premier gunstore. We had manufacturers like Sierra, Berger, US Optics, Barrett start down there. Fed Ordnance was one of my hotspots I'd stop by after work and search through hundreds of FAL kits, curio and relics, and police trade in firearms. I finally left there to work in the firearms industry in 2004. Should of left earlier but better late then never. Be careful it doesn't happen to your state, it can happen anywhere.
First: Thank God if you are a shooter AND don't live in California!
Second: Primers (if you can even find them) are selling in gun stores for $100 per 1000. OK, maybe 10 cents per primer isn't a lot in the sceime of things but 6 months ago they were 35 cents each and available.
Thirdly: SoCal stores in my area have no (NO) handgun ammunition for sale. One, that I know of, does but you have to buy a gun of that caliber in order to buy some.
Finally: Powder and projectiles don't seem to be a problem.
Welcome to SoCal. Or not.
Oh yes, used firearms, hand guns and rifles are selling at a 100% and up premium.
I was born in Coronado, SD. I used to live in Oxnard (my sister and SIL still live there) from 1980-1986. Fairfield is my home of records. I left CA in 1989 and never looked back.
Yes California needs to fall in the ocean. But the primer situation is the same here in Idaho. (Probably because we are now northest California).

From what I read even hornady can't get enough components to reload everything. And I'm sure law enforcement and military will get first dibs.

No more full auto bursts for a while....2021 will be as lame as 2020

Oh.....and were almost dry on powder and most all ammo is sold out in minutes.
I was born in Coronado, SD. I used to live in Oxnard (my sister and SIL still live there) from 1980-1986. Fairfield is my home of records. I left CA in 1989 and never looked back.
Wow small world. I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley but moved away from Camarillo.
Wow small world. I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley but moved away from Camarillo.
Indeed! My first duty assignment was Geroge AFB, Victorville from 1987-1989. The USAF sent me all over (overseas and other states) and enjoyed all of them. I have been in Montana since 2003 and has been my retirement home since 2007.
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