Shot a deer last night

Pete Lincoln

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2004
I was out stalking last night (evening) we had a mega storm here yesterday afternoon, wind, hail, rain,, the works, and the weather forcast was for another during the night, AFN was giving out severe weaher warnings, so i figured i'd use this to my advantage. Game seem to have a built in weather prediction capability and i knew this would mean lots of activity between the storms. I went out stalking fairly late, only giving me about 90 minutes before dark. Parked the jeep up and off i went. Stalking along a forest track towards my favorite spot, which is a meadow planted with larch trees, about 100m before the larches begin there is a small square shaped clearing, you can see most if this open patch from the track by glassing through the trees a good 50m before you reach it, ah.. what did i see, the rusty colour of the back line of a roe deer standing head down browsing in the long grass. step by step i crept nearer, no chance to shoot it through the trees, to much brush in the way, besides, i need to check on the age and sex of the beast. A magpie flew off from the opposite side of the clearing, making a right old racket as they usualy do, the deer raised its head to check out the commotion, ah, a the look of her head and face i could tell she was a younger beast. Yearling does have the same season as Roe Bucks in Germany, starting on May 1st. I needed to check that she was a yearling, i certainly didn't want to shoot a 2 yearold and orphan a couple of new born kids. As i crep nearer and nearer i the shape of her body and the method of her movement confirmed to me that she was indeed a young beast, one final verification was required, i needed to see her underside, preferably from the rear in order to make sure that she didn't have a full milk sack hanging down with her teats, this would have told me she had a fawn or kid hidden somewhere nearby and would have meant that although bieng a young beast, she was a 2 yearold. I had to work my way around behind her. She then wandered a few paces in my direction, facing me, but then turned side ways, i couldn't see her underside due to the long grass, i managed to get around behind her and could then see that she was dry, indeed a yearling doe and thus just right for the cull. Now i had to get back around to one side of her, deer tend to brows in roughly one direction, unlike wild boar which change direction every few seconds, i edged my was left, slowly slowly until i had her completely broad sided infront of me at about 25m with a big oak tree immediately behind her that would provide a good back stop for my bullet. I let the rifle slip from my shoulder and slowly raised it in her direction, turning the power setting on the PMII to 6x. I shouldered the rifle, put the safety to fire and then let out a slight whistle, she raised her head to see what the noise was and i shot her through both shoulders with a 165 grain SST. Ejecting the spent case and chambering another round, i made my way to where the deer lay, I could see by the dammage to the sapplings and bushes that the place was a favorite deer browsing spot, my plan to catch deer out between the storms had paid off. I inspected the teats of the deer, just to make sure once again she was dry.(stranger things have happened !) A nice yearling doe in prime condition, still moulting some of her winter coat, but for the most part that lovely rusty redy brown colour. I dragged her to a spot between some bushes and got her gralloched quickly, extreemly impressed by the sharpness of my hunting knife. I know a guy from Bavaria who has a small catering business as a side line, he has a professional knife sharpening machine in his cellar, this guy gets a knife sharper than a razor in a matter of minutes, I usualy visit him with a half dozen knives and he gives them a swift pass on his machine, he always gets an excellent edge that stays sharp, this is always a good time to sample one of his favorite Bavarian Weizen beers and he always has something good roasting in his oven that he always insists i taste. In return for the sharpening service i supply him with the occasional haunch of venison and a bottle of his favorite Scottish Malt.
I finished the gralloch and put the offal out of sight in some bushes, a good meal for the foxes or wild boar, whichever find it first. Saving a good slice of the liver for my dog Meg, she prefers heart, but the heart was pulverised.
Leaving the deer to be picked up later i carrioed on my stalk, to the eastern edge of the larch trees, making my way along a game trail and then into the centre of the meadow. I stood still waiting. About a half hour later i cought sight of a medium sized wild boar moving at the norther edge, I put the bino's up to glass it, I could see from the length of the snout that it was a sow. Dry sows are in season, so i needed to verify that she had no piglets nearby, for that i had to get closer, luckily she was coming towards me a few meters at a time, when she got within 50m i could see small stripey piglets, i counted 5 but there may have been 6. The sow continued in my direction, i knelt down under a larch tree, and held the rifle in her direction, just incase she got to close and decided to charge me to protect the piglets, she continued at a delibarate pace in my direction, when she was within 5m and still coming i decided i better move before she trod on me, i deliberately turned my head sideways, she spotted the movement instantly, grunted sharply, the piglest froze. The sow moved a meter in one direction and then back again, working out wht the bush infront of her had just moved strangely, I grunted at her, I could tell by the look on her face what she was thinking " what the ...?" she began to grunt her disaproval of me and made off in a North West direction, to my left. Stopping once in full view to grunt her dissatisfation once more. Those piglets will make good eating during the winter, I'll harvest a couple of them at least. I hung around untill the light had completely faded, just to see if any more pigs turned up. Nothing showed so i walked back and picked up the doe, fed the dog some liver and loaded them both into the jeep.Just as i was driving out of the woods the wind got up, the heavens opened once again and another good storm ensued. The weather can be your friend.
Very nice story, our first from a Brit (if I remember right).

Bunch of funny words in there, though!
Great story Pete, lot of checking around for the correct critter and requirements.

I sure miss that Weizen beer hard to find here. Just means another trip to your side of the pond for a stomach full of food and beer.

Next big airline ticket sale through Iceland Air I'll check on a trip.

Take care.

P. S. My son is happily home but is up to his buttocks taking care of his wife and the Army. He's due to ship out to the States late this year.
Nice tale. Thanks for sharing. Lucky dog, too, I might add!

As for the beer, let me rub in the fact that I jut finished a tall glass of homemade Weissen about an hour ago, and there's some 30 more in the garage! I reload my glass as well as my brass!
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