Scope question?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2013
I am getting a new deer rifle and I want info on the scope for it. The gun is a Tikka T3 lite stainless in a 270 WSM. I don't have much experience with scopes so I need help. I will be hunting on in Kansas in the fields and thin timber, I will also be shooting pronghorn in the plains of Wyoming. I want the power to be no less than 12 and adjustable. Any objective 40mm and bigger will do. 1/8 inch adjustments would be nice but I can do with 1/4. I would like the finish to be stainless to match the gun and my price range is $150 and under. Any advice, suggestions, or experience would be greatly appreciated.

That's a tough one.With a budget of $150,not a lot of options. Look at Tasco or
maybe BSA.
Look at the classifieds for something used. When does your season start? I'd keep saving and buy something a little later in the year.
That is a tight budget for what you want. Try looking at the Simmons 44mag series rifle scopes. I think they only come in black though.
In the case that anyone cares, here is my opinion based on my experience with cheap scopes. You might as well skip the 12 power deal case they aren't fit to look through above about 8 or possibly 9 power. It costs more for more power so if u have 2 scopes of $150 market value each and one is a 3-9x40 and the other is 4-12x40 the latter will be of lower quality. In fact I would venture to say if both scopes were set on 9 power and field tested the 3-9 would almost seem like it was more powerful due to the image quality. What I'm saying is if I had only 150 to spend I would be looking for the highest quality used scope I could get my hands around for that amount and it would likely be a 3-9x something because they seem to be the most popular. My personal ideal opportunity in that situation would be something along the lines of a xv2 leupold with some serious battle scars and ring marks that I could fix up with some model paint to match the gun. Might not be as pretty as a new cheapo but like so many things, the true beauty is on the inside
I asked a similar question but with a little more money (250) if i was in your shoes, i would shoose a burris ff2 2-7x32mm and balistic plex reticle or leupold rifleman 2-7x32mm and maybe a vortex crossfire 2 3-9x40mm bdc ret.

i´m not so sure about the vortex crossfire becuse i don´t have any experience with them, i realy prefer more optic quality than hig magnification power even for long shots.
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