Scope mounting questions


Oct 8, 2009
What is the differance between a picatinny rail and a weaver scope rail?
How does a 20 moa scope rail work?

I am trying to build my first long range hunting/target rifle. I have already bought a Millett TRS and want to research the best way to mount it , for now I plan on mounting the scope to an older remington 7400 3006 semi auto and play with learning the mil dot scope and adjustments while I continue to research which 308 bolt action rifle that will be good for my budget
Here are some links that answer your questions better than I can. (Hint: Both found with Google in about 0.02 seconds.) :rolleyes:

What is the differance between a picatinny rail and a weaver scope rail?
GunTech : Picatinny Rails, Weaver Rails, What?s The Difference? - World's Largest Supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools

"What are the differences between the “Picatinny” and the “Weaver” systems? The profile of the two systems is virtually identical. Depending on the quality of the machining done by the manufacturer, the two systems should be indistinguishable from the profile. The key difference lies in the placement of the recoil grooves and with width of the grooves. MIL-STD-1913 (Picatinny) grooves are .206” wide and have a center-to-center width of .394”. The placement of these grooves has to be consistent in order for it to be a true “Picatinny” MIL-STD system. Weaver systems have a .180” width of recoil groove and are not necessarily consistent in a center-to-center measurement from one groove to the next. In many instances, a Weaver system has a specific application that it is machined for, so interchangeability is not necessarily an issue. A MIL-STD-1913 system must adhere to the specifications listed above in order for it to be considered MIL-STD, since the military desires uniformity in the recoil grooves to allow for different systems to be mounted on the weapon with no concern for compatibility.

Now, what does this mean to you? Boiled down, it means that accessories designed for a Weaver system will, in most cases, fit on a “Picatinny” system. The reverse, however, is probably not the case. Due to the larger recoil groove, “Picatinny” accessories will not fit a Weaver system. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, but for a good rule-of-thumb, “Picatinny” won’t fit Weaver, but Weaver will fit “Picatinny."
How does a 20 moa scope rail work?
Scope Mount Selection - Tapered or Flat?
Thanks for the info. I have decided for now to go with leupold mounts and as it turns out my brand new millett trs will not even zero at thirty yards, I am going to take it to a differant gun smith and have the bore sighting done one more time and if it doesnt work i am going to try and get a replacement scope or get my money back. I used up all of the adjustments at 30 yards trying to get on paper and still have to aim about 9 inches high to get on the paper

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