Scope advice NF ATACR or Swarovski X5i


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2017
I have narrowed my scope choice for my new 6.5 PRC long range hunting rifle down to the following choices:
-Swarovski X5i 3.5-18x50 4WXi

Hunting will mostly be 300 to 800 yds, but I would like to be able to use it at close range as well occasionally so that’s why I selected thing magnification range.

I am interested In hearing from people who have used both. I am curious as to how they compare in clarity, low light performance, and tracking mainly. I have looked through a lot of scopes and have done a lot of research and I’m not interested in anything else. Thanks.
I own two X5’s and they are amazing scopes. Turrets are a little tall. But everything else is spot on. Glass. Tracking. I do not have an Atacr. Thought about buying one.
I give a slight edge to Swarovski for the glass and to Nightforce for durability. As far as tracking both of my Atacr scopes and the Swarovski are spot on.

That’s a tough choice and I am considering the same two scopes on a 300wsm build. The one turn off I keep seeing is that the swaro zero stop is difficult to set and a complete pain with the propriety swaro tool you need. i don’t know why they had to make that zero stop so difficult.
Also...I personally think the illumination system is better in the NF from playing with them at a store. If you haven’t fondled them, you might want to do that, you’ll see all of the little nuances that help make your decision.
I've never owned a Swarovski but do own 3 of the ATACRs and they are excellent. I would suggest going w/ the MOAR-T or C555. Illumination of the center crosshair to me is not as distracting at dusk or dawn and if you dial, that's all you'll need. Very good glass too. My first one was the MOAR or C553. As Brightwhite said, might check them out first. I've been buying new demos for $2230 price range to save a few dollars also. I've heard a lot of good about Swarvo too so you're probably good w/ either. Good look and hope you find a deal.

I prefer the Nightforce over the Swaroski for the following reasons.

1. Optical clarity to my eyes is about equal, to me there is no discernible difference.
2. The Swarovski is about $500 more
3. The zero stop for the Swaro requires a proprietary tool.
4. The Nightforce has more Moa or mil elevation than Swaroski
I have the 4-16x44 ATACR
Swaro Z8i 2.5-16x50
swaro wins with glass, but the atacr is really good.
switched to swaro due to weight of the atacr. if they weighed the same i would take the atacr because i like the moar reticle a lot and the turrets are awesome.
getting ready to sell the atacr.
ATACR! I have a couple including the 4-16F1. Increase LE glass, very durable, and great tracking. I dropped/fell on mine sheep hunting and had zero point of aim shift.
Tool is not that big of a deal..

I've used it twice, because I don't really mess with 0 once I'm sighted in.

I like the eye box better in the x5 than the actar. I've shot both, but the vast majority of my time is behind an X5.
Also interested in who wins at low light. I have a z6i 2.5x18x56 now and was wanting a scope for long range hunting and shooting since the z6i isn’t much on long range target shooting. However if you can’t see it you can’t shoot it. My Swarvoski does the best job of any scope I have ever tried in low light, however haven’t tried the atacr yet. My buddy has one and I am gonna try and get it and compare the two before I purchase another scope.
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