Savage VLP major stock modifications


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
I can't seem to find any info on this on any of the forums I frequent. I am thinking about modifying my savage VLP laminate stock. I would like to level the bottom of the back of the stock so it rides in the bags better while shooting prone off of a bipod. There has to be someone out there that has taken a factory stock and modified it. I am also going to add a saddle type adjustable cheek piece. So does anyone want to give me a step by step, or some materials I should look at, or some pic's of the said project??
Thanks in advance
Here's one example of adding a cheekpiece. Link-->

I've done what you suggest with the stock only it was to a synthetic stock. I modified the butt as well as the forearm. When I was done I gave it a textured finish and a solid color.

With the laminated stock you will have problems keeping it from looking like you patched something on because of the laminations and color differences.
I was planning on re-spraying thw whole thing once it was done, so it didn't look pieced together. do you have any pictures, or list of materials you used?
I built a jig so I could run the forearm through the bandsaw and create parallel sides on the original stock. Then I built up a laminated saddle type piece that would be the addition to the forearm. You can see this in the first picture The laminations were glued with Gorilla glue and the completed piece was attached to the roughed up forearm with epoxy.

You can see that I also added a small flat piece to the butt stock toe area and then shaped both additions to suit. The pic of the modified stock in grey was with the textured finish before the black final coat was applied. The camera angle makes the forearm look wider at the tip but it isn't really. The bottom of the new forend and the bottom of the piece I added to the toe of the buttstock are parallel with each other and the bore line. It rides the bags great and shoots fine with a bipod. This stiffened up the forend also. I also glass bedded it at the same time.

This was really just an experiment and if it didn't work I had a new stock already picked out but the one in the pics is still on and doing its job.


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