Rude to ask questions on sale adds?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I see it often and recently experienced it, but why do people take offense to you asking questions about their stuff for sale? Way I see it is it's a free bump, and informing others of things they're probably going to want to know before purchasing said item anyways. When I've posted items I pretty much always forget some things or am not quite clear enough and inevitably get those questions and am happy to answer whether your interested or not. So why do people get short when in this situation?
Some view it as a challenge to the value of their item. Or they're afraid of being brought down on their asking price.
I'm with you on this. Ask away, it helps advertise and sell the item quicker.
normal clarifications are fine. But then there are the yahoos who want you to do some in-depth research and write an essay response and then they say "oh, interesting" or you never hear anything back. I suspect they are people who own the same item and want somebody else to fill them in on how it works because they're too lazy to look it up themselves. I've had a few of those lately on various forums and GB.
My for sale descriptions would never be complete w/o a question or 2, I always forget 1-2 important details.
On a lighter note, my first Ban from SH was for taking a big dump on a for sale ad. I have refrained since, but sometimes it is tough. Maybe not the platform here, but I loathe guys who join a forum with the sole intent on selling.
Not long ago a user had a stock I was interested in. I had just put a couple really nice pistols up for sale so I figured I'd have some fast cash and be able to buy it quickly. I started a conversation with him about if he knew if the stock would fit my barrel, we went back and forth a few times, then told him I hoped to have the cash soon. He went off and berated me about why the hell I would even contact him with questions if I didn't have the cash....I sold a pistol that same day but couldn't bring myself to buy his stock after he was such an a-hole.
Pretty similar situation I asked a question and then after an answer I told him I was interested in one of his items pending sale of a rifle, he then refused to talk to me and deleted all my comments on the thread. Even though they asked helpful questions to other buyers. So I was asking here if it's rude to ask questions..everyone seems to be on the same page as me for the most part. I don't think I'll be buying from said person as I feel the same way as you described slas
Pretty similar situation I asked a question and then after an answer I told him I was interested in one of his items pending sale of a rifle, he then refused to talk to me and deleted all my comments on the thread. Even though they asked helpful questions to other buyers. So I was asking here if it's rude to ask questions..everyone seems to be on the same page as me for the most part. I don't think I'll be buying from said person as I feel the same way as you described slas
It's your money going out. I think you should ask all the questions necessary to satisfy any concern. Just my opinion.
I always go to PMs.

If the price seems off, I will even make offers that seem lowball because sometimes a lowball offer is better than none. When I do that, I try to let them know where I am coming from either from a valuation or budget standpoint. It's never about the asking price, it's always about how much I can pay. If they want to make a deal, it's out there, if not, I didn't want it enough.

If it's about details and my question is good, there is nothing stopping the seller from posting the information.

The problem happens when something negative is revealed or implied and the bump gets more attention than the initial offer.
I look at for sales on gun forums as a huge bonus, something that can cause admin headaches. It makes it way easier if all parties act civilized. I would be classified more as a seller than a buyer, and to me even if someone dumped on my sale ad for pricing, I would calmly explain why.
I price my crap to sell, I am done with it, but there are times if my prices are not a steal, chances are I know I'll need it down the road but if someone wants a slight bargain in the interim, here it is. I will re-buy when the time comes.
One of my biggest faults is making assumptions, and I am sure I an not alone.
I definitely agree dumping on sale prices is wrong and I think the vast majority of us are pretty good about not doing it, but there will always be people who do. If I think a price is high but still interested I will PM a offer. But would never argue if they don't want to go down. I would say I'm the same way, if I think I'll need it in the future but not at all right now then I'll price a bit high and if I know I'll never use it I'll price lower to move it as I don't like having any clutter.
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