Rifled slugs shot in a rifled barrel


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2010
I just got a new Savage model 220 20 gauge which has a rifled barrel. I was told by a salesman not to shoot cheap rifled slugs in the gun. I will shoot high end slugs but I wanted to buy some cheapy ones to play around with. The saleman says I will foul my barrel badly with lead. Is this true?
Thats true dont do it. I dont think they will shoot well enough any how. I only fire maybe 5 slugs through my shotgun every year. You have to shoot the sabots that what your gun was designed for. I use the Lightfields in my wifes 20g they shoot great and are around 11$ a box. Im guessing your gun is a bolt? I solved the issue you are having by owning 2 diffrent barrels for my 1187 one for sitting and one for walking one rifled one smoth bore.
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