It depends. Was it heavy or light? Was it caused by false pressure signs? There is a thread about just that. Sometimes swipes can be from a burr on the ejector, burr on the ejector hole, rough bolt face or with standing ejectors the slot in bolt face often has a burr around it.
Or is it a depression where the case head has slammed into the ejector. In which case it is over pressure.
If it were me I would check the primer and if it is flat and pushed out into the edge of the case and I had a ejector swipe then yes I would brobably toss it. If not then I woud push a primer out and see if the primer pocket has expanded. If the primer pocket is good I would then size one case and see if there was any difficultly in chambering the sized case. I would also measure at the .200 line to see how much it has expanded and did it resize back to a usable dimension.