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Recoil reduction for a new build?


Active Member
Dec 1, 2010
Hi to everyone, I am brand new here, but have used these forums for a considerable time to get great info. I am in the process of a new build, haven't picked the cal yet but it will be 300, or 338. My question is recoil reduction I will build light and am getting a little old for all the walking/stalking I do, with all the weight I carry. I was considering 3 forms of reduction, a good pad, a removable muzzle brake and a mercury reducer. I am very familiar with, the pad and the pros/cons of the muzzle brake. The recoil reducer is the one in question to me, how well they work, and how it would go into a stock such as a light Lone Wolf or sim.
Never researched or looked into the mercury reducers, but what little common sense I posses, I'm going to assume that it adds weight to the stock, to "slow" the felt recoil?

In a light weight build, I think that route may be contradicting your objective. I would look into Jim See's Muscle break. Seems to get great reviews all around.

Again, not real familliar with the mercury reducers, but in a .338 I can only imagine your urinating in the wind with out a break.
thanks Texan, I will check them out, I here about the spring loaded reducers,
just want some feed back, I would be worried about the mercury possibly escaping as well. I know it sounds counter productive to ad weight to a light build. But here is the thinking, I can build a nice lightweight, under 6lbs, ad
1lb for scope, and less then another 1 lb for recoil gadgets,. I still end up under 8 all out scoped, with strap and, bullets. The other way I build heavier
without gadgets, end up about 8lb, I think recoil would be higher. 8lbs is my magic #. I may be wrong, and hope I am told so if I am.
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