I'm assuming this question is due to short case life ?
on any cartridge , belted or not , I'll neck size only until I get my brass tight to chamber . " THEN " I set my die up to resize and only push the shoulder back about .002" . if you're setting the die up on brass that is not fully expanded , you're oversizing the brass .
I don't have a STW , but I do have a few belted case rifles . most of these will stretch the brass case about .015" , when comparing virgin to fully expanded . you can try to form a false shoulder on the virgin brass for the first fire . this should help case life by blowing the case shoulder forward instead of stretching the brass case just in front of the belt .
if you have short case life due to loose primer pockets . you can buy better brass or back the load down some . or keep feeding it new brass often . not much else you can do on this problem .