Quick Load 3.6 W/ 3.8 Update

Hey all,

Pulled the trigger on QL 3.6 with the update (3.8) hoping to put together some lighter bullet loads for the 6.5 PRC as well as load data for the 6mm ARC for wolf hunting to no avail. There are NO listings for either caliber. Wondering if ANYONE has data for these two calibers, especially the 6.5 PRC with 90-120 grain pills? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated...
Pick the closest cartridge shape with the same bullet diameter….like 6.5 WSM, etc for the PRC and the 6mm PPC for the ARC. Then measure your water capacity and update.
All you need to assist QL with ANY cartridge is it's H20 capacity.
My v3.9 QuickLOAD does have 6.5 PRC but does not have 6mm ARC. I hate to have to buy the update just for 6mm ARC but might have to...
See above
It costs almost as much to ship the disc as the update. They are constantly adding stuff, just have to decide when it's worth doing. If they added some of the Lehigh and Hammer bullets it would be more enticing. I added the data file for Staball 6.5 a while back.
Hammers are in 3.9, I believe. They are in the update I just bought.
Do you guys realize that you can change the case dimensional data and create a file for any cartridge that you want?

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Is this QuickDesign? If not, how do I get to this screen?
The value added with updates is powder.
You don't need the cartridge, bullets, case length or COAL, as you can just pick any and set their numbers for what you're using.
Best to enter your seated bullet base/bearing rather than COAL. Enter starting pressure based on land relationship.

And don't blindly trust ANY of their barrels. Find one in cal that calibrates for a known load to result, and always use that one(for that cal).
Many of their loaded barrels have bogus bore numbers.

Let's say you use 6br cartridge in QL for your 6-06. It's easy, just adjust the H20 capacity, but don't forget weighting factor either. Way different.
When you say you don't trust their barrels, how do I change or compensate for the barrel?