Phrases to Live by

I find as I advance in age that certain phrases become more meaningful in keeping me from making mistakes in everyday life. Some are very pertinent to hunting and shooting. I can't count the number of times I have let the heat of the moment pull me into a bad decision, but sometimes a quick reference to an old wise saying has led me down a better path and rewarded me in the future.
So words to live by in our passion may not only help control our emotional urges, but also help individuals jumping into the hobby.
Reloading: "Buy cheap and stack deep". Measure twice and cut/form/drop once.
Shooting: It's usually the nut behind the trigger.
Hunting: Same as above. Don't shoot it if you can't carry it out.
General: Buy once and cry once.
Any words of wisdom?
If you ain't having fun your not doing it right
I've got a whole sheet of phrases that I've come across and liked. A few of them:

"The problem with quotes on the internet is that 90% of them are wrong." -Abraham Lincoln

Never make snow angels in a dog park

The key to happiness is to pick an age you like and stick with it

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them -Albert Einstein

I sometimes wonder what happened to the people who asked me for directions.

Live as if someone left the gate open.

About that peeing on the electric fence, I didn't do that but I did learn that my estimation of the height of the wire was wrong and it was in fact higher than my inseam.
  • Most people are dead, they just don't know it yet.
  • Only speak of others the things you would say to their face.
  • Integrity is one of the few things we can take with us.
As an altar boy from ages ten to twelve, I did not understand most of the sermons (more likely, any of them). One that riveted me and stays with me to today is one that was based on Luke 9:62: No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. I can still hear Fr. Muenser in my head, bellowing "keep your hands on the plow and don't look back!"

I have been known to say, "your words and actions are not consistent."

I worked or a ranch foreman decades ago, his wisdom pertained to buying & managing a cattle operations. "If it does not pencil out then don't do it".
Sadly, so many today have no idea how to "pencil out" something.