Oregon Elk Hunter Kills Wolf in Self-defense

Had one come up on me in a similar way. No, I don't know if it was aggressively hunting him to attack. I just doubt it that's all. Glad it went well for him. If I killed one where it was illegal, I'd say it was attacking too. mtmuley
If a wolf is under a 100yds it's coming for you they normally will run as soon as they see you or smell you, if you haven't been there don't knot it. Wolfs are killers and kill for fun wait until a few kids get eaten this is a very serous they are killing all of our deer and elk. wake up
I hunted the same area this incident occurred. The wolves have moved in and a once thriving elk area is no more.
Had one come within about 35 yards of me in a stand just north of this area in elk season. He had been howling at sun up and trotted up on me, quite by accident I believe. He dropped his head and gave me the stare, I think I to try and figure out what I was. When I raised the Binos, it bolted away.
Hadn't seen this posted yet. Has good commentary too. The writer, Bill Monroe, is an ages old and well respected outdoors commentator in Oregon.

Having been ATTACKED by a Hybred Wolf/Dog 145 lbs., I personally woulda sent the FU**ER to Pooch heaven, and went on my way. If the others, as he stated pursued; they'd join their comrade IMMEDIATELY! NO REPORT to DNR, GAME COMMISION, WILD LIFE OFFICER; STRAIGHT to HELL! Theosmithjr
Saw a pack during elk season last year but only had my bow so the range didn't work. I've heard stories here in ID about them not being afraid of people.
Biggest mistake made was reporting it to the local authority. This is where the politics get involved and the peanut butter is spread thru all the humane groups to criticize what he thought was right at the time. No one was there except for him.
Biggest mistake made was reporting it to the local authority. This is where the politics get involved and the peanut butter is spread thru all the humane groups to criticize what he thought was right at the time. No one was there except for him.
EXACTLY! I'da killed the MF, and went about my business! No one, no group or organization is there, or going to help you! All that happens is you get JAMMED UP for being Honest and doing what they say is the RIGHT THING! FU*K THEM!
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