Oregon Cow Hunt


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2005
Banks, Oregon
I took the 338 Edge out to break it in on a cow hunt. well, It worked just fine !!! I got this gal at 50 yds, not long range but I dont have a scope setup for that yet anyways
The wife even left work early to come help me pack it out, now thats a Keeper!!!


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Some people will do anything to get out of work LOL Good job on the wife and elk hunting!
My 338 is set up and good to go to 1200 yards with ease and the wife has a job. BUT the last thing in this world that will happen is my wife helping to pack out a critter, I dont care how small or close to the road.
Does this mean I can get rid of her:D
NICE PHOTO PYTHONWILL! One of the staples in my pack is a small nalgene bottle of pendleton whiskey and two cigars.
Gotta love it...................

NICE PHOTO PYTHONWILL! One of the staples in my pack is a small nalgene bottle of pendleton whiskey and two cigars.
Gotta love it...................


Mine is Crown Royal and my cigars vary, the one I had for the elk was a Perdomo. I had a nice Cuban Partagas when I shot my deer but those arent something I have on hand regularly.
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