Headed to my club range around noon today to test some 196 HH in my 300WM and 195 Bergers in my 280 Ackley. After a scenic 20 mile drive on a warm afternoon, I got everything set up when I realized I forgot to bring paper targets. After a search of the trash receptacles failed to turn up anything useable, I packed up the truck and made the 5 mile drive to the nearest hardware store. Happy that I had salvaged my day, I unloaded all the gear and hung targets only to discover I had forgotten my 300WM ammo. Expletives spewed forth but not one to be denied, I pulled out the 280AI only to find the bolt missing. You guessed correctly if you guessed It was sitting 20 miles away on my bench alongside the targets and 300WM ammo. Admitting defeat and having nothing else to shoot, I drove t9 the nearest bar and commenced turning my frown upside down. There's always tomorrow.