Nightforce Giveaway - I am the winner!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Jackson, WY
Hi Folks!

I stumbled into this forum a couple of years ago to read the articles, follow threads of interest, and try to become better schooled in long-range hunting. I've learned there is an awful lot to learn. I was also lucky enough to win the drawing for the Nightforce scope. Well, the goodie box came today; and as far as I’m concerned this day will pass for Christmas and beyond. The good people at Nightforce were knowledgeable and patient as they explained the details of each product I considered buying. A business’ product offering is only as good as the people who build, represent, and service it; and in that spirit, my experience with these folks has exceeded any expectations I may have had.

I thought I would share as I go along, so here goes.



Nightforce NXS 3.5-15x56 Scope with;

NF Zero stop
NF 20 MOA 1 pc base
NF Titanium 30mm rings
NF Bubble Level Ring Cap
NF Angle indicator & mount

I also managed to find an early Remington Sendero 7 Mag in great shape. I don't know that I'll get the package together in time for this hunting season; but I surely will get to put some rounds downrange before the snow flies.

Thank you Len and thanks to Nightforce for one heck of an early Christmas present; and one worthy of celebration at that. More photos as the project progresses.

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Congratulations again, thanks for sharing, and keep us posted on how your rig ended up, how it shoots and your kills with it!!!
Good luck and safe shooting.
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