new hear

joseph floerke

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
South Texas
hey guys just wanted to say hello, my name is joseph floerke i am form Taft Tx down by courpus, i love to hunt, and just recently got into the real long range shooting when i had my new .308 built:)


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hey guys just wanted to say hello, my name is joseph floerke i am form Taft Tx down by courpus, i love to hunt, and just recently got into the real long range shooting when i had my new .308 built:)
Welcome to LRH! Nice looking gun, what stock is that i really like it? How does she shoot?

Welcome to LRH! Nice looking gun, what stock is that i really like it? How does she shoot?


its a McMillan M40A-1 HTG and the gun shoot great with my hanloads 165gr sierra game king with 8208 xbr powder. hole for hole at 100yds anb best group at 1000yds so far has been about 18inches its windy down hear in south texas.
Its windy here in ND too, montana blows and minnesota sucks.:Dgun) That 165 grain sgk will drop any whitetail in its tracks, sgk's are my 2nd favorite deer bullet.
The 52 grain speer hp flat base from a 22-250 turns prarie dogs into 3 chunks and disperses them evenly. :Dgun)
it is tons of fun, my longest kill is 414 yards, got 2 in a row :cool:.
You will have plenty of fun and do a lot of shooting if the pups are out. They are pretty stupid.
it is tons of fun, my longest kill is 414 yards, got 2 in a row :cool:.
You will have plenty of fun and do a lot of shooting if the pups are out. They are pretty stupid.

im going with a friend who goes all the time, he is the one who built that .308 and got me into hand loading. his best shot was 700yds on one but like he said it was luck. :)
ive been trying to work my way out to 1k, but this year was only my first year trying so next year im breaking out the 6.5x284 and 142 grain smk gun).
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