New guy

Hello everybody I'm new to the forum I have probably 30 years hunting reloading and shooting experience. It's the only thing I really like to do. Anyway thank you for allowing me to join in I think I will be able to learn a lot and maybe teach a few things hopefully!
Welcome from Washington state with 50 years of reloading and shooting experience and I still find this site informative and much deeper in knowledge and experience than me. You will learn a lot here!
Welcome from North central Texas! You've found the most knowledgable, friendly (usually), and best administrated forum on the web. The only negative thing about it is that even though I've been dabbling in reloading since my high school history teacher introduced me to it in 1978, I often feel like a first year college student that accidentally walked into a graduate level physics class. I feel like I learn something new almost every time I sign in.

Just a small bit of advice - don't let anyone know if you like shooting a creedmoor (even if you do:) - it's kind of like riding a moped or dating.... well, you know...
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