New GAP website launches at Noon CST.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2002
N.Kansas City, MO

If you dont get it yet at either place look here.

Guys im really exited to let you know the new and long awaited web-site for G.A. Precision will launch Today 6-4-09 at 1200 noon CST. It really looks nice and will help out alot due to the massive ammount of information available on the site. Its still a working progress. Durring the rest of this year you will see additional pages added that will help even more.

You can also upload pictures of you and your GAP rifle to the site, as well as testomonials (16-24 hrs will pass till they are actully on the site as they will be reviewed for content.)

For the unveiling there are 8-10 "easter eggs" on the site, some are clickable some are just hidden images, etc. The first guy to email me with all of them will win a GAP/Strider Knife. I will post the winner here.

Winner Crair Barnes, Vancuver , BC

On another note: if you find a Bug (page error) or somthing is not working correctly. email me with page URL a decription of the Bug and what browser you are using. if using Internet Explorer what version as well, and what resolution your screen is set to.

[email protected]

Happy hunting.

George Gardner, G.A. Precision
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