New from AZ


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2013
Been lurking for a while here.

I have been big game hunting for 28 years, since I was 14. Small game long before that thanks to an avid outdoorsman father. Both rifle and archery.

I have been taking both of my daughters small game/bird hunting since they were 5, large game hunting started for them at 10 years old.

Never really taken game at what you guys call long distance, my longest shot was last year where I took a mulie at 488 yds with a .25-06 Ack. Imp.

I have a few guns that are semi-custom and true tack drivers, all well under MOA.

Ruger M77 in .22-250 shoots .457 MOA stock except free floated barrel 50 gr. NBT/Hornady/Sierra Varmint handloads @ 3713 FPS
Rem 700 based .250 Ack. Imp. (daughter's deer gun) shoots .302 MOA 100 gr. Barnes TSX handloads @ 3301 FPS
Rem 700 based .25-06 Ack. Imp shoots .247 MOA 100 gr. Barnes TTSX handloads @ 3598 FPS
Interarms Mark X in .270 Win (daughter's elk rifle) shoots .730 MOA totally stock w. muzzle break 140 gr. Berger VLD Hunting handloads @ 3099 FPS
Rem 700 .300 RUM shoots .417 MOA 175 gr. Barnes LRX handloads @ 3361 FPS

Starting a build on a 7mm STW soon. In the parts collecting stage now. Rem 700 action (7MM RM now), Bartlein barrel, still looking at stocks, Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 scope,

Don't have many photos of some of the groups other than my latest .300 RUM handload. Been working it up for a while, and finally found the sweet spot. Before, it was an MOA gun. Now, much more confident in it for a true hunting rifle.

10 shot with the .250 Ack. Imp. @ 100 yds.

10 shots with the .22-250 @ 100 yds.

And my deer from last October. 488 yds. .25-06 Ack. Imp. Quartering on, entered just behind right shoulder blade, exited in front of left hip. Didn't take a single step, DRT.

Welcome from way back in 13, and I about wet myself seeing your building a 7STW!! The original 28Nosler from the 80's baby. I love it when I say that and guys preaching the 28 give the look and say "what are you talking about". Layne put out a winner and props to him not willing to sell out his creation to the corporations. I have one from the 90's and love it to this day, in my sons hands now as he killed his first bull with it. Has over 1k down the tube and still holds .5" or less with 175 AB Long Range. I used it for years shooting ground hogs and coyotes with 120BT's at 3600fps.
Hey wait a minute something is funky here. . . . . . .
I noticed Lances post in the new people and posted to it. But his was from 2013. I just now came on board here. We know each other from the Cousewhitetail forum.
We "newbies" are always creating problems until we get settled in, especially we old aged "newbies".
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