New “Unplugged” phone by founder of Blackwater - Eric Prince


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Heard about it when Sean Ryan interviewed him. The premise is that this is a phone that reduces the amount of companies that track you.

Link to phone

Just thought I would give my review of it in case anyone else is interested in it.

First, it comes with a case (with lifetime warranty) and a screen cover. It has provision for physical SIM card (which would make activation easier) but I use AT&T and had an IPhone prior so I did not have a physical SIM card. I tried activating using ESIM but it kept telling me that the phone was not compatible. So I ended up having to go to the AT&T store to get a physical SIM card ($5) and it was easy from there.

One thing to consider, my iPhone 15 was used for two factor authorization and I failed to transfer that to another device before changing phones. That's caused some problems signing in to Google, Interactive brokers and a few other places. I also backed up my contacts before switching phones.

Battery life seems equal to my IPhone 15, I'm getting used to Android again. The Unplugged App Store has a lot of apps, if there are some you do not use, you can request it to be added (they added Interactive Brokers for me in a couple of days after requesting). They just added all the F-Droid apps. If you have apps you cannot live without, you may check first. GMS applications/Google/Apple apps for the most part are not there. I have not run across anything I needed that is not offered or an alternative is not offered.

If you have problems you can chat with their tech support (which is accessed through the phone). So far everything has been pretty intuitive. The only issues I have had are connecting my Apple Watch to another device and getting all my passwords saved.

I comes with their anti-virus, messenger and VPN installed. There is quick access to privacy settings. Clicking the left button on the phone opens up a screen where you can quickly shut off Bluetooth, block unsecured WiFi networks, shut off camera and location access as well as turn on the firewall.

The camera seems decent, up to 10x zoom. I do not use cameras a lot so I cannot give a good comparison, but it works well for me.

The last thing I can think of as far as features is the "kill switch". Once the phone is off, you can move that switch to disconnect the battery which ensures there is no way to access anything on the phone. I guess if you are Jason Borne and do not want people tracking you, this is easier than removing the battery.

I cannot think of any complaints about the phone. I like being able to control who can track me when using my phone.
Heard about it when Sean Ryan interviewed him. The premise is that this is a phone that reduces the amount of companies that track you.

Link to phone

Just thought I would give my review of it in case anyone else is interested in it.

First, it comes with a case (with lifetime warranty) and a screen cover. It has provision for physical SIM card (which would make activation easier) but I use AT&T and had an IPhone prior so I did not have a physical SIM card. I tried activating using ESIM but it kept telling me that the phone was not compatible. So I ended up having to go to the AT&T store to get a physical SIM card ($5) and it was easy from there.

One thing to consider, my iPhone 15 was used for two factor authorization and I failed to transfer that to another device before changing phones. That's caused some problems signing in to Google, Interactive brokers and a few other places. I also backed up my contacts before switching phones.

Battery life seems equal to my IPhone 15, I'm getting used to Android again. The Unplugged App Store has a lot of apps, if there are some you do not use, you can request it to be added (they added Interactive Brokers for me in a couple of days after requesting). They just added all the F-Droid apps. If you have apps you cannot live without, you may check first. GMS applications/Google/Apple apps for the most part are not there. I have not run across anything I needed that is not offered or an alternative is not offered.

If you have problems you can chat with their tech support (which is accessed through the phone). So far everything has been pretty intuitive. The only issues I have had are connecting my Apple Watch to another device and getting all my passwords saved.

I comes with their anti-virus, messenger and VPN installed. There is quick access to privacy settings. Clicking the left button on the phone opens up a screen where you can quickly shut off Bluetooth, block unsecured WiFi networks, shut off camera and location access as well as turn on the firewall.

The camera seems decent, up to 10x zoom. I do not use cameras a lot so I cannot give a good comparison, but it works well for me.

The last thing I can think of as far as features is the "kill switch". Once the phone is off, you can move that switch to disconnect the battery which ensures there is no way to access anything on the phone. I guess if you are Jason Borne and do not want people tracking you, this is easier than removing the battery.

I cannot think of any complaints about the phone. I like being able to control who can track me when using my phone.
Don't get me wrong I like people coming up with new THINGS. How do you know who this Guy really is and what this company is???
I can make a commercial and sell anything on the internet.
Sounds like something a Terrorist or Al-Qaeda would like to have.
Don't fool yourself. Even if you phone is OFF and battery disconnected - Like in this video has a "Kill Switch" your phone can still be tracked.
Don't get me wrong I like people coming up with new THINGS. How do you know who this Guy really is and what this company is???
I can make a commercial and sell anything on the internet.
Sounds like something a Terrorist or Al-Qaeda would like to have.
Don't fool yourself. Even if you phone is OFF and battery disconnected - Like in this video has a "Kill Switch" your phone can still be tracked.
Well, if you do not believe who Eric Prince says he is, you can look him up - he’s a pretty public guy considering his background.
Don't get me wrong I like people coming up with new THINGS. How do you know who this Guy really is and what this company is???
I can make a commercial and sell anything on the internet.
Sounds like something a Terrorist or Al-Qaeda would like to have.
Don't fool yourself. Even if you phone is OFF and battery disconnected - Like in this video has a "Kill Switch" your phone can still be tracked.
Because Eric Prince was a team guy and a lot of us know him or of him.

Aside from that, his management of Blackwater was pretty spotty at best…things like how family’s were not notified when the news showed them strung up on Blackwater bridge…(Euphrates river)
So, you can imagine he was drug through the mud in the media….

My point is, he’s a known dude.

As for being tracked…there’s no way to track a gps that requires power that doesn’t have power…you’ll only be able to see its last location ping.

To clarify your point, newer phones that you can’t easily pull the power, have capacitors that keep background firmware still running, that can be activated through the GPS and tracked. If you pull that power, completely, you have paper weight. And all big brother has is a last location and location history.
The premise is to not allow companies that have known tracking. There is other tech involved but I am not the right one to explain it all.
So, then, you use the phone as a phone and avoid the internet? Maybe that's it? It's a phone that doesn't have a GPS receiver and isn't able to connect to the internet?
So, then, you use the phone as a phone and avoid the internet? Maybe that's it? It's a phone that doesn't have a GPS receiver and isn't able to connect to the internet?
No, it just avoids as much as possible, known trackers. It’s in this interview below, all I can say is read their website. I am not a spokesperson and I am not tech guy. I only know a little about it but I know that I can limit tracking when I want to. I have other devices so it is not like I am invisible, but this is a step toward privacy at the cost of what I paid for my last three phones.

Just get a Nokia flip phone and then use a desktop computer at the public library for your Internet browsing.

This phone seems like a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist in reality.

Put your phone in a Faraday box or bag to eliminate all tracking period. Once you connect, you are being tracked to last tower and possible location depending on how you set your phone security.