Nevada Bull Tag


May 30, 2011
Got a tag for Nevada area 104-121. Anyone out there that has hunted this unit want to share some info?
Hi bk,
I've never hunted elk in that area but I have deer hunter area 121 extensively over the past 20 years. I have seen elk in that area but the herd isn't very big. The 104 area used to be heavily wooded...mostly pinon pine and cedar. About four years ago BLM and the wildlife dept. chained large portions of area 104 and left many "islands" of trees. The cheet grass grew where the trees had been cleared for browse for the elk.
Telegraph canyon also has a resident elk herd. You are one lucky son-of-a-gun drawing an elk tag in Nevada. I have been applying for the last 18 seasons and drew absolutely nothing! If you have any other questions....just ask away.
Got the Rilfe Taggun). November 6-20. Maybe you could send me some info after your hunt. I am planning on going over during the rut second week in Sept to do some scouting look at quality and numbers. Have hunted south of this unit for deer, but never stepped foot in the unit. Should be interesting.
I personally don't know that area very well but some friends just came back from camping at Cherry Creek and said they saw lots of elk and some very big velvet bulls. That's where I'd start looking. I know that they move around and most likely won't be in the same place in November. Ask the ranchers, they know where the elk will be when the season starts.
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There are plenty of spots in and around Cherry Creek for an elk camp. You can camp on the backside of the Cherry Creek range or make your way through Egan Canyon and go south toward Telegraph Peak.
@ Chas thanks for the info. Is the telegraph canyon your talking about in 121? I see that there is also one in 104.
Telegraph peak and its associated canyon is in area 121. I wasn't aware that there was a Telegraph Canyon in area 104. The muley hunts I've been on in the past were strictly for area 121.
Twenty more days untill I leave. I will get to the unit 9 days before the season opens to scout and find a decent place to camp. Looks like the Unit is getting some rain and no fires yet this years so thats a good thing. Anybody been in here or around here hunting Elk or Deer yet this year?
Well back from the hunt and I must say I was given a dose of reality. I arrived 10 days before the season to scout the area as I had never set foot in it.
I saw Elk 14 of the 17 days that I was there. When I arrived the Bulls were mostly still with the cows and Bugled every morning and evening. I even had a bull and his cows feed off the mountian above my camp on the second evening and into a flat about 750 yards away, while I was BBQing and drinking a beer. When he got his cows in the flat and started bugling I thought I might be in a dream. He was a 6x7 over 350 class.
I had expected to see alot of 350+ bulls which I did. Just not many over that. It was hot and dry until the day before season. Saturday before season we got about 4" of snow and all the elk I had scouted by the water dissapeared.
I stalked a 350 bull on opening day and was busted by a cow and calf he had with him and never saw him again. I was able to find a few good sized bulls the biggest was missing his entire left antler about two inches above the base. He was a 370 class if he had had both. I never saw more than three hunters during the day and most never got out of their vehicles.
I ended up killing a 330 6x6 (If he hadn't broken three points) on the sixth day of the hunt. He was only a mile and a half from the truck but without two good friend ( One of which is 28 and packed the front& back quarters off the hill in two trips, Oh to be 28 again) It would have been quite a task.
If you do not apply for Elk in Nevada you truely do not know what you are missing. I saw 32 different Bulls while I was there. A game warden informed me that the bull to cow in that unit is 32 to 100 not many states can say that.
With that many bulls naturally some get broken but they still have quility bulls. I do not feel that I even came close to being able to cover the entire unit and may have been in the best spot or just a average one I don't know. I do know that I had a great time and am dreading having to wait the 10 year waiting period that nonresidents have to wait to apply again. I also realize that dreams of shooting a 370+ bull can be just that dreams. But it was a truely amazing trip. I was also lucky enough to kill a cow in Colorado and the second day of the fourth season. So all in all a great year!:)
Forgive the pictures but the camera showed up late and we were half way thru getting him out. I on the other hand will always be able to see him standing on the hill in all his glory!!

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