need help quick


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
sry to post this here but going for a duck hunt this morning. for the opening. there is ownly teal out there and a few but not many mallards. l live in turkey so led shot is alowed. l was thinking of useing no 6 led? too small ??? your ideas. thanks
You should have no problem with lead 6s on either teal or mallards, provided you're not trying to knock them out of the air at 60 + yards. Used to do it all the time before we went to steel here, thats going back a ways.

I thought lead was illegal to use on waterfowl...? Are the laws/rules different where you live? In Oklahoma (and everywhere else I have lived for the past 20 years or so), we have had to use non-toxic shot.
6 shot lead should work fine for smaller ducks. 4 shot should work great for larger ducks and 2 shot should work great for geese.
l live in turkey so led shot is alowed. l was thinking of useing no 6 led? too small ??? your ideas. thanks

Sorry, but I missed the part about living in the country Turkey. Yes, what they said. In fact, I used to kill snow geese with #6 lead when it was legal in this country.

I lived in Turkey for a total of three years (was in US Air Force)...82-83, and 86-88. When I was stationed there, we used to hunt ducks at night. It was scary at first, but got used to it. I don't really know if it was legal, however the local nationals took me out all the time. Unless things have changed since then, their game and fish laws and limits are real liberal. I really enjoyed my time over there, though. Great people!

Hope you have a successful waterfowl season.
thanks gusy back from my hunting trip #6 federal GAME SHOCK heavy fieald load LEAD. wordker reall good for teal and mallards. use to use #4s because of the internet but came to realize thay were on about steel lead really works wonders on game.
Sorry, but I missed the part about living in the country Turkey. Yes, what they said. In fact, I used to kill snow geese with #6 lead when it was legal in this country.

I lived in Turkey for a total of three years (was in US Air Force)...82-83, and 86-88. When I was stationed there, we used to hunt ducks at night. It was scary at first, but got used to it. I don't really know if it was legal, however the local nationals took me out all the time. Unless things have changed since then, their game and fish laws and limits are real liberal. I really enjoyed my time over there, though. Great people!

Hope you have a successful waterfowl season.

you must be my dads age as l was born in 83 :=) you are allways welcome back to turkey we like americans and all people in this coutry. try out our İBEX hunts. and if you do. send me a private msg and l can come along with you to be your friend and your xtra guide. ( mums australian so wont have problems with english) :=)
you must be my dads age as l was born in 83 :=) you are allways welcome back to turkey we like americans and all people in this coutry. try out our İBEX hunts. and if you do. send me a private msg and l can come along with you to be your friend and your xtra guide. ( mums australian so wont have problems with english) :=)

I appreciate the offer. If I ever make plans to return to Turkey, I will certainly send you a PM.

What part (city) of Turkey do you live in? I was stationed in Izmir and Adana (Incirlik AB). I was able to travel around Turkey and seen quite a bit while there. In fact, a Turkish friend of mine took me to Konya where Huglu makes their shotguns. They did a couple of nice custom O/U's for me. Lots of great memories.

I attached a couple of pics from two of the days I hunted. The one pic is of a friend and my grandson (3-man limit of mallards and gadwall). And the next pic (with no one in it, friend and I are camera shy) was from this past Monday (1 bird short of a 2-man limit).

Keep pounding the ducks!


  • Duck Hunt - 15 Nov 12 002.jpg
    Duck Hunt - 15 Nov 12 002.jpg
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  • Kerr - 10 Dec 12 001.jpg
    Kerr - 10 Dec 12 001.jpg
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