Need Direction- Cold Bore Shot


Oct 15, 2020
Grover Beach, California
Hey Guys- I’m struggling coming up with a solution for my 6.5 x .284. Here are the details:

Bullet- 123 Gr. Absolute Hammer
Brass- Lapua
Primer- 210M
Powder- R-22
Target- 100 yards
1st shot when the barrel when cold the impact is 3/4” right and 1/2” low compared to the following shots
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th shot (1) ragged hole. The barrel hasn’t been cleaned for the 50 previous shots. Would scrubbing the barrel solve this issue in your opinion / other thoughts. Thanks for your help.
This happens every time with a cold bore.
Hopefully someone has a good answer for you, but it sounds to me like something you might need to account for or try to tweak the load and see if it changes anything. I don't think 50 rounds down the tube is the issue, I don't even start load development until then on a new barrel.
If a factory barrel, chances it will not completely be rectified.... all other considerations done such as barrel clearance and bedding. As mentioned, try a heavier projectile and load.
If a factory barrel, chances it will not completely be rectified.... all other considerations done such as barrel clearance and bedding. As mentioned, try a heavier projectile and load.
The barrel has about 300 rounds thru it, I’m one of those guys that doesn’t clean the barrel until the groups really open up. This just happens every time on the 1st shot (cold bore).
The barrel has about 300 rounds thru it, I’m one of those guys that doesn’t clean the barrel until the groups really open up. This just happens every time on the 1st shot (cold bore).
Factory barrel? Has it done this all along? Just with this load? Have you tried cleaning and see if it repeats?
Man,, you guys sound defeated..
There are fantastic grouping guns that are not accurate for hunting.
There are poor grouping guns that are very accurate.
There are guns that are both or neither of course.
The only way you will know is through testing & development for this.

There are direct things to do about fouling, but it doesn't sound like your issue.
For a cold accuracy load you begin with your developed hot precision load, and tweak the powder(only) for best reliable POI.
You can let the barrel cool completely between each shot, or go with an aggravating (to result) shot timing (like 1sht/10mins).
This showing you the worst result and saving time.
It does take time, and disciplined efforts, and the strength to accept & adjust for your real world potential in the end.
This is pretty common. It’s just a factor to account for. It isn’t the end of the world. Inside of 600 yards it’s still a dead critter. There are a couple of scenarios to deal with it, nothing is perfect.

1. cold bore zero your rifle. I cold bore zero my hunting rifles, if there is any POI shift I just account for it. First shot counts the most in hunting scenarios, I have only sent a second shot four or five times in better than 30 years of hunting. Your total shift is less than what most shooters can consistently aim and replicate in field conditions especially

2. zero your rifle to the average. Shoot a five shot group, let the rifle cool to ambient temperature and then shoot another five shot group. Adjust your optic to split the difference. So your cold bore shot will print 3/8” R and 1/4” low of your point of aim. The deer won’t know the difference that the bullet impacted 0.358MOA right and 0.257MOA low of where you aimed.

3. leave it alone and spend your time practicing good shooting fundamentals and have fun. Adjust your aim a little, if you feel like you need to in that shot scenario, or don’t.
Is this the only bullet it does this with? Have you tried it with others? It may just not like this bullet/load combo. I have a 6.5x284N that shoots the HSM 140 Berger stuff really well, maybe give it a try. If you get the exact same shift every time, you can adjust, but not preferred. You sure it a isn't cold shooter? Do you dry fire that rifle before shooting when this happens? Maybe shoot another rifle and see if you get similar results. Then dry fire the 6.5 and shoot a cold bore group. Frustrating...I know...

If mine, I would clean to bare steel and shoot one and a follow up. Annotate, put rifle away until next range day.
Repeat with a cold dirty bore and a follow up.
Repeat a third day and compare. Go home and clean back to bare steel and repeat three days worth (6 shots through barrel since last cleaning only).

It takes a while to map the cold bore but hey gets you out to the range.
Is this the only bullet it does this with? Have you tried it with others? It may just not like this bullet/load combo. I have a 6.5x284N that shoots the HSM 140 Berger stuff really well, maybe give it a try. If you get the exact same shift every time, you can adjust, but not preferred. You sure it a isn't cold shooter? Do you dry fire that rifle before shooting when this happens? Maybe shoot another rifle and see if you get similar results. Then dry fire the 6.5 and shoot a cold bore group. Frustrating...I know...

If mine, I would clean to bare steel and shoot one and a follow up. Annotate, put rifle away until next range day.
Repeat with a cold dirty bore and a follow up.
Repeat a third day and compare. Go home and clean back to bare steel and repeat three days worth (6 shots through barrel since last cleaning only).

It takes a while to map the cold bore but hey gets you out to the range.
I’ve tried two different bullet manufacturers with the same result. Cold bore anywhere from 3/4”-1” away from the 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th shot which are all 1 ragged hole.
Yeah it isn't the load, it's the barrel.
Don't give up on this, focus on the 1st shot.
Forget the rest, they don't matter at all.
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