My new AR


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
I just recently picked up my second AR15. I have a Remington R15 Byron South Edition that I bought 3 years ago. I mainly use them for Coyotes and every now and then will decimate some p dog towns.

My new one is a RRA Fred Eichler edition. This is one good looking AR. I think no expense was spared with this one. Came with a 2 stage trigger, adjustable stock, muzzle brake and a really cool free float hand guard with coyote tracks cut out in it.


As you can see in the pic I had a Ziess 3-9x40 mounted on it, but I just recently decided to get a little more magnification and ordered a Minox 3-15x42 scope for it. I put the ziess on a 243 that needed a scope.

Here is a pic of both of my ARs

Thanks for looking
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