"My" never leave the local gun store empty-handed rule ...

Its their season. Here in Houston, the main supermarket will be roasting them at each store, and you can buy them freshly roasted
Find yourself a Denver Green Chilli recipe and have fun with them
We roasted them or bought them roasted. It all depended on how many we were going to make of freeze :)
Its their season. Here in Houston, the main supermarket will be roasting them at each store, and you can buy them freshly roasted
Find yourself a Denver Green Chilli recipe and have fun with them
We mainly made chili rellenos with them. Although my friend's family also put them in meatloaf and a bunch of other dishes. I'll look up the Denver Green Chilli recipe! Okay off to make bacon, eggs, pancake breakfast!
@Bob Wright I know Colorado and New Mexico are known for the prok Green Chili, with or without tomatos,
Is there something similar in AZ?
Usually Chile verde has no tomatoes, but dependent on the individual restaurant/family recipe. I can usually mark a great restaurant by ordering a green Chile burro enchilada style. If that is a great dish, I usually go back many times, lol. A very unscientific method, but AZ has myriad choices for great Mexican dishes. It's proximity to NM makes Hatch a household name here. I love Mexican food, no doubt.