Monster elk on trail cam


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
sebastopol, ca.

Check this monster out.

Anybody have any guess as to what he would score.

The biggest elk I have ever seen.
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Would you PM me with the directions to him? I would really like to see him in person:D Man what an elk..
Showed it to the guys at work and we all aggreed 340-350 maybe on the high end 360. Nice bull and very interesting set of head gear.
he's on public land in California and I have been waiting 8 years to draw an archery tag.
A Gun tag is like winning the lottery the odds are so high.
Good luck I hope you get- em . Their is nothing like tagin a monster on public land a friend of ours shot a 6x6 on public land in colorado once we were all so happy you would have though we all shot it:)

I would be willing to bet he scores no less than 380". He is a monster.
This one scored 414" so Im pretty sure the one you have a pic of is really close if not over 400"

Just once I would love to shoot an animal in a place where I can load it whole into a truck!

For some reason I always find them where I have to bone them out and make three trips to the truck with the meat on my back.

Huntin - That is an awsome elk in some incredible country. Where is that?

I was talking to a friend today and he heard through the grapevine one of my wife's friends just shot a 406 and something bull in Utah a couple of days ago. She has shot other elk but none that big.

I'll get pictures when they get home an post some.
Huntin - That is an awsome elk in some incredible country. Where is that?

I was talking to a friend today and he heard through the grapevine one of my wife's friends just shot a 406 and something bull in Utah a couple of days ago. She has shot other elk but none that big.

I'll get pictures when they get home an post some.

As much as i would love to claim that bull as my own, i didnt shoot it. So here is the story. The girl you can kind of see standing next to the truck is my ex-girlfriend. Her family owns some amazing land all over where the pics are takin. She got drawn for an either sex permit using landowners preference for the area that they own land in. Well we hunted for a huge 7x7 bull for a couple weeks and we never did see him on their land. Always on the tree huggin neighbors land. But we were drivin around lookin for elk one day we saw this red truck on the neighbors land. The neighbor had been having alot of trouble with trespassers and we didnt recognize the truck so we went over to see who it was. We saw that they had a monster 7x7 in the back of the truck and which made us panic thinking it was the one we had been after. Turns out that in the truck was the neighbor and his friend. His friend's daughter had just shot the bull in the Missouri River Breaks a day or so before. The dad had been putting in for a rifle permit in the Breaks for 29 years. His 13 year old daughter got the permit after applying for her 2nd year. I think the bull is the biggest bull killed by anyone under 18 in the state of MT. I dont remember exactly what it scored but it was somewhere between 404 and 414 i think.
I think most of the score estimates have been a bit low. Granted it is very hard to tell from one picture but with what is there I would say he is better than you think. He is no 400" bull but a solid 370-380ish provided his width is good. Possibly in the 390's. His back end points are just not long enough to grant him 400"+ status.
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