Model 700 .308 co version to 300 SAUM


New Member
Dec 4, 2012
Is a remington 700 long or short action .308 conversion to a 300 SAUM as simple as a Chamber/Barrel swap, or does the bolt face also have to be swapped? Part 2. Can a .308 chamber be rechambered to 300 SAUM? I may not be using the proper terminology. I am interested in getting a heavy barreled police model 700 in .308 and turning it into a 300 SAUM. Any suggestions?
Thanks. I am not interested in a WSM. I already have and reload for a SAUM. I'm sticking with it. I was almost certain I would need the magnum bolt face. Mostly just need to know the bare minimum physical changes to go from .308 to the SAUM.
Mostly just need to know the bare minimum physical changes to go from .308 to the SAUM.

In gunsmithing we rarely use the term 'bare minimum' as this implies not doing a complete and thoroughly correct job.

I can think of 3 ways to go about your request:

1) Rechamber the factory rifle you suggest buying. A magnum bolt face is required for SAUM. Set the barrel back one thread, then open the rails, add a box (triangular windows) and follower and maybe adjust the feed ramp. Add pillars and bed the action with the bottom metal.

2) Buy the correct action, then add a top of the line barrel, a better stock than the factory one, proper box and follower. Chamber the barrel, bed the action and stock with the bottom metal.

3) Find a slightly used SAUM rifle and re-barrel it with a great barrel. Bed it.

Bare in mind that is a simplistic view of the major details and in no way should be construed as being a definitive text for the conversion.
In gunsmithing we rarely use the term 'bare minimum' as this implies not doing a complete and thoroughly correct job.

I can think of 3 ways to go about your request:

1) Rechamber the factory rifle you suggest buying. A magnum bolt face is required for SAUM. Set the barrel back one thread, then open the rails, add a box (triangular windows) and follower and maybe adjust the feed ramp. Add pillars and bed the action with the bottom metal.

2) Buy the correct action, then add a top of the line barrel, a better stock than the factory one, proper box and follower. Chamber the barrel, bed the action and stock with the bottom metal.

3) Find a slightly used SAUM rifle and re-barrel it with a great barrel. Bed it.

Bare in mind that is a simplistic view of the major details and in no way should be construed as being a definitive text for the conversion.
Thank you. Of those options, I like number 3. The inly reason I asked was because the .308 seems to be about every other rifle for sale. SAUMs in a 700 don't seem to come up as often. Thanks for the explanation. As for the (bare minimum). I meant the necessary things to make it work. At that point it becomes viable. The I can have the things done that I know you were talking about. It'll be fun getting it all together whichever way I decide to go.
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