Mark V 300WBY Rebarrel


Active Member
Nov 28, 2019
I have a very very low round count Mark V Ultralight and am contemplating a rebarrel, if possible. How much work/money is invlolved in turning this thing into a 6.5/300wby. Can I just screw a new barrel on, or is it much more involved. My dilemma is I own four gun, three of which (including the wby) are 30 cal. I have 300PRC that is my go to but want a flat long range caliber for deer and smaller game. Looking for ideas.
You can’t just buy a barrel and put it on. You’ll have to have a gunsmith install a barrel for you on a Weatherby. A quality contoured barrel blank is $300-350. A gunsmith will charge $250-350 for the service of fitting and chambering the barrel to your action. If you add a muzzlebrake then figure $50-150 for a brake and another $75-100 for the gunsmith fees. So you’re looking at about $700-950 for a top shelf barrel installed by a quality gunsmith with a muzzlebrake. If you don’t want a brake then you’re looking at $550-700 depending on the barrel and the smith.
That is kinda what I figured, I wasn't finding any info on a quick easy way to do it and figured it was because there wasn't one. Essentially I just need to find a 6.5 barrel blank and take it to a smith sounds like. Running ballistics the 140 gr berger should be a fantastic round for Deer and Antelope.
I have a very very low round count Mark V Ultralight and am contemplating a rebarrel, if possible. How much work/money is invlolved in turning this thing into a 6.5/300wby. Can I just screw a new barrel on, or is it much more involved. My dilemma is I own four gun, three of which (including the wby) are 30 cal. I have 300PRC that is my go to but want a flat long range caliber for deer and smaller game. Looking for ideas.
"IF" you do not need/want it, sell it and get exactly what you want ... and "IF" the price is right, "I" might be interested. :)
That is kinda what I figured, I wasn't finding any info on a quick easy way to do it and figured it was because there wasn't one. Essentially I just need to find a 6.5 barrel blank and take it to a smith sounds like. Running ballistics the 140 gr berger should be a fantastic round for Deer and Antelope.
Yeah just check on bugholes or Red Hawk Rifles. They carry a lot of barrels in stock and should have something that fits you.
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