Looking for ELR Scope -suggestions

I'll throw another vote for the Vortex Golden Eagle HD 15-60 x52. Best glass I've ever used. I've also done the tall target test several times and it tracks perfectly. With a 20 moa rail and Burris rings with the adjustable inserts I can just barely make it to a mile.
Absolutely too many choices:
I have had a dozen Leupolds, several Zeiss, Monarch GOLD, S&B, Vortex Razor HDs,
Reticles??? like one type, but not in the scope I like so on
Power 25,35, 40, 50

Right now I am kind of leaning towards a:
Nightforce ATACR 7-35x56mm F1 ZeroStop .1mrad DigIllum PTL Mil-XT (cost will be more than the build, that's typical)
I like the reticle, has the options I want, will probably go back to MIL, been shooting MOA forever since the Corps.
I am going to a ELR shoot the next few days and I am sure someone will have one of these there for me to look through.
I also read a lot of good reviews on the Vortex Gold Eagle 15-60-52 at 1/3 cost of the NF I want.
Getting closer to final decision!!!
Absolutely too many choices:
I have had a dozen Leupolds, several Zeiss, Monarch GOLD, S&B, Vortex Razor HDs,
Reticles??? like one type, but not in the scope I like so on
Power 25,35, 40, 50

Right now I am kind of leaning towards a:
Nightforce ATACR 7-35x56mm F1 ZeroStop .1mrad DigIllum PTL Mil-XT (cost will be more than the build, that's typical)
I like the reticle, has the options I want, will probably go back to MIL, been shooting MOA forever since the Corps.
I am going to a ELR shoot the next few days and I am sure someone will have one of these there for me to look through.
I also read a lot of good reviews on the Vortex Gold Eagle 15-60-52 at 1/3 cost of the NF I want.
Getting closer to final decision!!!
I'm not sure that the golden eagle would good for ELR, given it's extremely limited elevation travel. Only 55 moa.
Len, have you seen the Arkens yet. Just got mine a week ago and man what a scope for the price. They have them in mil as well.

Len, have you seen the Arkens yet. Just got mine a week ago and man what a scope for the price. They have them in mil as well.

in for the review...I'm wary of YouTube reviews at the moment.
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