Loading data for Barnes TXS (.306/168gr)


New Member
May 15, 2004
Hello all,

I like to reload the Barnes TXS Bullet (.308/168 gr) for .30-06. But I could'nt find any information on the web site of Barnes. Who had very well reloading data for this bullet?


I use the xlc coated 168 308 bullet in my garand and M-14 for almost everything now. The biggest thing to keep in mind is seating depth. About .050 away from the rifling is the trick to them. Not jammed up tight as most would think. My m-14 will put 5 easily in one hole at 100 yards. The m-1 does about an inch at 100 if I try hard and am solidly slung up prone. Aside from that just start with a minimum load for a 168 grain and work up till it's right for you.
I agree with m14.
If you start from the minimum loads in your reloading book you should be fine.
My loads with the triple shocks ended up being pretty close to the same loads I shoot with the Nosler Partitions.
Good luck with the triple shocks they have been very accurate for me in all the guns I have tried them in.
The Barnes TSX has been the most accurate bullet I have shot to date. I have loaded and shot the 168gr TSX out of 2 308 WarBirds, 1 300WSM and 1 300WM. Reloader 19 has given the best accuracy with the TSX .025 off the lands. Good Luck! I think you will find you have an awesome combination when you work out your load.
The Barnes web site says to load the TXS bullets using the loads listed for their non-coated X bullet. They will be getting load info out for the TXS bullet as soon as they can.

I have found the "x" bullets shoot very small groups in my Rem 270 & 7 mag with them @ 30 tho's off riflings.

[ 05-22-2004: Message edited by: Zod ]
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