Lapping a Barrel?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
To start things off, I have a 700 ADL in 270 that has been giving me some trouble. On the regular, I go through upwards of 20 patches to get it clean, and even then, I have to load it down a bit to get an inch or so group at 100 yards.

I simply dont want to have to waste so much time and energy into getting the gun clean and getting it to shoot better. I know the ADL isnt a high quality rifle, but the barrel has been floated and it has had a trigger job, which did help.

So I am thinking I will try KG bore polish first to see if just polishing the barrel will help, and if that does not work, I think I am going to try Fire Lapping. Does anyone have any other suggestions or ways of lapping a barrel? This will be my first time.

Thank you
Have you tried the breaking in process? I know a lot of people think that it is all myth but I have done it to everyone of my rifles and I CAN tell the difference in cleaning it when I break in a barrel and one that has not been broken in.
tubbs final finish is great stuff. Made a 25/06 into a shooter instead of a paperweight.
Fire lapping will dramatically cut the life of your barrel. It works but it is indeed a very costly shortcut in the long run.

Be patient and go through a full break in process through about 50-100rnds and if that doesn't settle it in, in all likelihood no amount of cleaning and lapping is going to make it into a real shooter.

Lapping really should be done prior to the first shots ever being fired.
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