I had the most fun hunting last week over a 3-day period than I can remember for at least 3 years.
Met up with a good friend, and the two us took 12 pigs all together. Some are not pictured here. All were spot and stalk. Some were from standing positions off of fence post, or off of Bog-Gear, sitting, and prone. Shots ranged from 50 yards to far away. There was synchronized shooting on the same pig (for the fun of it) to synchronized shooting on individual animals (some were moving). I shot right handed some (I am a lefty) as well. Farmer was very happy as they have been destroying his crops (corn and wheat).
Look forward to making this a regular trip.
Met up with a good friend, and the two us took 12 pigs all together. Some are not pictured here. All were spot and stalk. Some were from standing positions off of fence post, or off of Bog-Gear, sitting, and prone. Shots ranged from 50 yards to far away. There was synchronized shooting on the same pig (for the fun of it) to synchronized shooting on individual animals (some were moving). I shot right handed some (I am a lefty) as well. Farmer was very happy as they have been destroying his crops (corn and wheat).
Look forward to making this a regular trip.