Ken Ferral 20 MOA base

I have a 30moa Farrell base and it is really nice!!! I thought it was a bargain considering the quality. The taper is a matter of preference. I got a 30 to use as much of my scope as I could. I figured seeing the fringe of the optics is better done at short range and have the center of the glass for longer range.
I have the first retail sold of Ken's "G-Force" style bases. He did it in 5 MOA slope. I liked so much I just got a second one. Great service, good value.
Michael--get one you cant go wrong. I have two and would have a thired for my new BR gun, but the Viper action has its own mounts.

super straight!!!,..didn't even touch my windage turret when I mounted my scope in mine with PRW rings. Very well built,..and as has been stated,...can't beat the price.

[ 02-06-2004: Message edited by: JustC ]
Ain't life great

Interested to hear what you decide on.
Just remember that the Farrell base is thicker(taller) than most other tapered bases and you can get by with lower rings than usually possible with a large objective.
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