If your thinking of getting a silencer and want to know more, ask a ?

How does the trust allow others to use a suppressor without being listed in the trust?

Do the wraps that you see on some suppressors help quite the ping sound?

Does material make a difference on the first round sound pop that everyone talks about? Are some suppressors worse about this than others?

Well if they are listed on the trust and they had a background done for the added person they can take the suppressor and use it. I think you are asking about if someone added a person to the trust but did not do a background. Well there is not anyway anyone will know. but if something bad happens and the AFT is involved they will find out. Now for the older trust I'm not sure how that works. The older trusts did not require anyone to get a background.

Wraps do help with some sound ping, not really sure how much and that depends on the suppressor. Some ping more than others.

Lighter suppressors seem to have a louder ping ( In my opinion) I have not used every suppressor, not even close. Nor have I tested them.
Well if they are listed on the trust and they had a background done for the added person they can take the suppressor and use it. I think you are asking about if someone added a person to the trust but did not do a background. Well there is not anyway anyone will know. but if something bad happens and the AFT is involved they will find out. Now for the older trust I'm not sure how that works. The older trusts did not require anyone to get a background.

As I've been looking into this, I had a lawyer tell with a trust that you could let someone borrow the suppressor using the Trusts stamp as long they could legally own one and you had to give them a letter stating why they were using it and for how long.

As I've been looking into this, I had a lawyer tell with a trust that you could let someone borrow the suppressor using the Trusts stamp as long they could legally own one and you had to give them a letter stating why they were using it and for how long.

No that is wrong . Not legally. but nothing to stop you typing the name on to the trust and faking it. But if caught both of you can get busted.
new member - can't see if this has been address already but anyone have experience with "Q" suppressors? looking at Thunderbeast or "Q" for new long range set up.
I am looking for a can for my 300 wm. It will be used for hunting. What can would you recommend?
I'd ask what is your budget. I really like the silencerco harvester big-bore 338 can but it cost 900. A great mid-range Budget can I'd get Silencerco harvester 30 or 300 or a Yanke hill machine they're both lightweight 30 cal cans for about 500. An inexpensive hunting can like 350.00 Id get the rebel as it is hard to beat. I sell many of the rebel 30 cal cans with a 22 can for about 400.00 as a set. it's a good deal. There are so many brands you can go with, they are mufflers and most will do the same and it would hard to hear the difference. For hunting, weight is an issue for me. But if you're in thick brush I would not go 338 due to the extra 3 inches. AAC makes a nice can and there is a new hunter can coming out soon. I think about 400 to 500. In short for hunting with a bolt gun, My choice is Silencerco 338 then silencerco 30 due to quality and service, then the Yankee hill due to quality and price, then rebel due to price. I wish i could shot more brands to try them out. I have a gemtec, Thompson, sig, rugged, and AAC. all good quality stuff.
I'd ask what is your budget. I really like the silencerco harvester big-bore 338 can but it cost 900. A great mid-range Budget can I'd get Silencerco harvester 30 or 300 or a Yanke hill machine they're both lightweight 30 cal cans for about 500. An inexpensive hunting can like 350.00 Id get the rebel as it is hard to beat. I sell many of the rebel 30 cal cans with a 22 can for about 400.00 as a set. it's a good deal. There are so many brands you can go with, they are mufflers and most will do the same and it would hard to hear the difference. For hunting, weight is an issue for me. But if you're in thick brush I would not go 338 due to the extra 3 inches. AAC makes a nice can and there is a new hunter can coming out soon. I think about 400 to 500. In short for hunting with a bolt gun, My choice is Silencerco 338 then silencerco 30 due to quality and service, then the Yankee hill due to quality and price, then rebel due to price. I wish i could shot more brands to try them out. I have a gemtec, Thompson, sig, rugged, and AAC. all good quality stuff.

Thanks for the helpful information. I would like to stay aroun the 1k price range. Do you have any experience with the Omega? I think I've narrowed it down to the SICO Harvester 338, 30 and the Energetic Armament Vox, keep hearing great things about them. The Dead Air Nomad 30 also has been recommend.There are just so many dern options lol.It'll mainly be used in a box stand so length really isn't an issue.
Thanks for the helpful information. I would like to stay aroun the 1k price range. Do you have any experience with the Omega? I think I've narrowed it down to the SICO Harvester 338, 30 and the Energetic Armament Vox, keep hearing great things about them. The Dead Air Nomad 30 also has been recommend.There are just so many dern options lol.It'll mainly be used in a box stand so length really isn't an issue.
I have an omega. Its also great.
Anyone have experience with the Griffin Sportsman Ultra Light 300, thinking about getting it for my 300 RUM?

I keep reading about how suppressors cause additional blow back in AR-15 style rifles. Is there a certain style of suppressor that does this more? A style that does it less?

I have a Griffin UL 300. It's my first can so I don't have anything to compare it to. Right now it is on my model 7 .300BLK out it's light and quiet on that gun. As soon as I get my 6.5 CM back from getting the barrel rethreaded I can post on results with that gun.
The only thing I didn't like about Griffin is that they are very limited in what thread pattern they offer their muzzle devices in, hence the reason I had to get the 6.5 rethreaded.
Is there any benefit to having a suppressor attach to a brake/flash hider vs. direct thread? Does the brake/flash hider offer any benefits over direct thread?

I was told by Griffin that using their brake/flash hider versus using their direct thread adapter would increase the life of the silencer.
The can is designed for the device to fit inside it. Without one in there would be a couple inches of the can with no baffles.

Which makes sense if you think about it. The brake which is steel,or titanium will handle lots of abuse from the initial muzzle blast.
Thanks for the helpful information. I would like to stay aroun the 1k price range. Do you have any experience with the Omega? I think I've narrowed it down to the SICO Harvester 338, 30 and the Energetic Armament Vox, keep hearing great things about them. The Dead Air Nomad 30 also has been recommend.There are just so many dern options lol.It'll mainly be used in a box stand so length really isn't an issue.

I would take a good look at a Thunderbeast Ultra 7. I have one and have been really impressed by it. Also have a SiCo Hybrid but it is heavy the Ultra 7 is much lighter and doesn't seem to change balance of rifle much, definitely not nose heavy.
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