Highest wind call you've made?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2011
Spokane, WA
Pretty good wind storm here in NE Washington, and N Idaho. Anyone come up with a firing solution? My partners got a tree in his house, as well as a couple of neighbors. Typing in the dark on my phone, and my late season tag is slipping away dealing with other stuff. How did everyone else fare?
Sorry to hear you're temporarily defeated by the wind.
My wind calls haven't been very dramatic. Perhaps 8 mph full value.
But my son made a 700 yard one shot kill with a FV 14MPH wind at 3 o'clock. I was impressed with that one.
gun) - - - - - X
I don't know what the wind was exactly, wish I had a Kestrel those days. The call was not to take the shot. Mountain Goat, 1999, BC, 308 yards. Guide still thanks me for not taking the shot.

One of those why are you on the mountain days.

My issues remain minimal, and others seem to be moving forward. I think officially the wind peaked at 71 mph. A new record here.
Shot a brown bear once in winds gusting up to 94 mph. Averaging maybe 40-60 mph.

Even laying down prone with my rifle rested on a backpack, gusts of wind would still blow the rifle 12-18" off POA @ 130yds.

The 94 mph was based on a wind meter on a commercial fishing boat anchored in a protected anchorage about 3 miles away. Since this boat was in protected waters, the peak wind gusts could have been higher. The bear didn't mind the wind at all. He came strolling right down a mountain ridge-line in the midst of it all. Certainly the wind speeds up on the ridge line would have been even higher. He acted like there was no wind blowing at all.

When I tried to set my tent up after killing the bear, the wind blew the rain fly straight, and I mean straight, across the lake! It looked like a magic carpet ride. When I finally crawled into the tent - no rain fly, all the tent poles were bent like limp spaghetti noodles, and I spent a lot of the night just trying to keep the wind from lifting the shell of the tent, and me, off the ground.
I've had a spotter call 4.5 minutes @ 500 yards and made the shot (rock chuck). 1055 is a good poke regardless of conditions.
Pretty good wind storm here in NE Washington, and N Idaho. Anyone come up with a firing solution? My partners got a tree in his house, as well as a couple of neighbors. Typing in the dark on my phone, and my late season tag is slipping away dealing with other stuff. How did everyone else fare?

Your partner must be awe struck. Trees and neighbors in his house. Yep, that was one heck of a wind.
Lol! I'm not known for my night vision, or my dexterity. If that's as scrambled as it got I'm happy. My neighbors have vacated due to a large spruce in the living room. No Christmas spirit I guess. A couple of more no shower days, and this story may end like the Three Bears. I would bring my own towel. They could at least turn out the porch light while they're gone. I may have enough extension cord in the garage to redistribute the wealth.
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