help with powder choice

I haven't even thought about r-17? Do you think it would be a good option for the heavier bullet in 243? I want to get around 2900fps or above with a 105 bullet and that's where im running into issues. On hodgdon websight it shows max load for 4350 is only shooting around 2600fps with 100gr bullet? It shows retumbo getting over 2900fps with a 105 bullet

Absolutely no reason not to try it if you've already got it. The Hodgdon website is alluding to the same point I made above about possibly not getting the velocity you want out of Varget.........Relatively Fast powders for the case capacity will reach pressure peaks before the slow ones do. There is an optimum for each case vs. bore diameter vs. bullet weight and it varies from gun to gun IMO. In contrast, the 243 was screaming bullets out the tube way before Retumbo came into existence. Again, just my opinion; but there's much better applications for Retumbo that don't include the 243.

On another note: The velocities listed in the book aren't necessarily what you'll get out of your rifle with your bullet and barrel and your primer with your OAL. Reloading is all about experimenting to find the best combination (or most accectable combination) that your particular gun is capable of.

Don't be afraid to try the R-17, if you like the results; order 8 or 10 lbs of it and be good to go for the WSM, 270, and the 243.:)

DISCLAIMER: In some circles, R-XX powder has a reputation of being much more temperature sensitive than Hodgdon Extreme varieties. R-17 is fairly new and perhaps doesn't apply.........just gotta try and see, because I don't know. There's threads on this site that probably have addressed that.

Best O Luck.
Alright guys thanks for the help and info. I think im going to buy varget because I want to use it in the 223 anyways. Then try the r17 and varget for the 243. If im not happy with the results ill try something else.
I have read in higher temps the pressure does go up with the r17 and that makes me a little nervous to use it anywhere close to max load. So far I've shot it from 65 to 85 degrees with good results and no signs of high pressure in the 300 wsm but im also 4gr under max load
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